Lily The Moo

I used to think I was pretty good at spelling, this reminded me how much I rely on spell check.

There was actually one point during The Avenger's development that the Oscorp building from TASM movie was going to be in the film, but because of the finalized design for the Oscorp building not being finished and The Avengers needing to move on with production it never happened. Maybe some day though.

The original idea was that Kill Bill Vol 3 was going to focus on Nikki after she had grown up, literally waiting for all of the actors involved to get older so it's not just a bunch of old age make up and a recast character. Tarantino, however, has more recently decided this isn't going to happen because he has other

This damn webseries was insufferable, more so than most reality shows at that. Probably spent all together 10 minutes on making the actual motorcycle, and a good hour on butting heads, Paul Jr talking in a single uninterested tone, and showing boring shit about Blizzard. Every week I would pretty much watch a minute

I'd be afraid, with it being Microsoft, that, despite it being for iOS and Android, they might try to shoehorn in a metro UI, which makes me weary. Also, I think Motorola's got the right idea with the Moto 360. Go simple and recognizable.

You know, I imagine the main character in Watch Dogs is not only the kind of guy who could fix his cell phone if he broke the screen, has tons of back ups just in case, but probably keeps a dozen on him in that trench coat just in case he takes a bullet to the phone.

Oh my god, those look fucking horrifying. You might as well just toss a hamburger in a damn blender and have a burger shake... don't actually do that, please.

Since there was nothing on TV over the weekend I decided to scroll through Hulu Plus a little and found out that Penn & Teller: Bullshit was on Hulu. Always loved the series, was sad to hear it was canceled, but was very happy to be able to watch those episodes I had never seen before. So now I'm entertained and irate

Fair enough. I still stand by it being a movie belonging in this list.

I answered one of my questions, the rest is still shit that doesn't make sense, and, plot holes or not, that's kind of what this thing is about.

Yes, because the internet always requires a banana for scale.

Poetjunkie starts with a good one. Another is why people who are apparently experts on these creatures not realize a creature they just dissected may be a female? Why not use a helicopter to fly the nukes to San Francisco, like they did after the MUTO destroyed the train, instead of using a very exposed train?

And you suck for assuming I make a habit of it.

Aw, I was hoping for footage.

The movie is so absolutely full of plot holes usually in the form of stupid characters with stupid ideas, but I'll be damned if it wasn't entertaining as hell. Definitely could have done with less Kick Ass, the third Olsen girl, and the Doctor from Alphas and more Godzilla and Heisenberg but you can't have everything.

Starting next month, Asahi is rolling out "Freezing Cider." It will be sold at minus 5 degrees celsius (23 degrees fahrenheit). How cool is that?

... damn it, that makes me curious, which sucks because the last time I remember reading it the art was kind of sketchy.

Is this really a thing in the manga or just some hypothetical figurine? Because I stopped reading about when Gon started... fighting giant ants I think? Either way, this damn thing looks crazy.

You know, while I was watching the pilot for Halt and Catch Fire, which was damn good, I found myself wondering what IBM does now. Is this my answer? They just do servers now?

I kind of wish this was an option on Netflix now. Like you go to Netflix, your account settings and check "movie mash up descriptions" somewhere. I mean, looking through Netflix and not finding a damn thing to watch is bad, but looking through all of those movies and having giggle fits because of the silly