Lily The Moo

I'm not trying to chew out the writer, not in this case, I just find this phrase tired.

Do you know anyone that can jump like six feet into the air, bring their legs up so their feet could possibly touch their back while spinning? Seems fairly impressive to me. Certainly isn't something you would see on a street corner.

I'm sorry, but I'm kind of tired of someone using their skills to show an incredible acrobatic feet as "defying gravity." No one is defying gravity, if anything they're showing a greater understanding of gravity through combining momentum and their training into these maneuvers.

Out of all of the horrible things SNL has made movies out of they really should make one out of the Ambiguously Gay Duo. It would probably get old after 10 minutes, but then the same could be said for most SNL movies anyway.

It's not gay if the only man you're attracted to is yourself, that's narcissism.

I know he's some internet messiah, and he had a few movies he was okay in, but I've never been impressed by Nicholas Cage. In fact, half of the time he seems to drag down movies just by being in them.

You know, I think the series might have been more interesting if they focused the show on the blackout before, during and the immediate aftermath instead of a decade and a half after the fact. I mean, the best part of disaster movies isn't watching how the characters lives are before whatever happens happens, it's the

I'll still probably see it because... well, MCU, but I still must say, Marvel, I'm disappointed in you.

"What? This is True Blood's last season? Why didn't anyone tell me!?"

I was looking forward to this movie before, and after finishing the book, which is a really short but satisfying read, I'm looking forward to it even more. I can already see it's not going to be a perfect adaptation of the source material, but the elements I've seen from the trailer that seemed to have changed have my

Well, Days of Future Past is a time travel movie so, wibbley wobbley timey wimey?

I don't know about that, there's a slim chance of possibility. At one point The Avenger was supposed to feature the Oscorp building from The Amazing Spider-Man, but production on TASM had not progressed far enough for the design to be integrated into the Avengers so it couldn't be done. We've also seen a trailer for

I believe you post it anyway with #firstworldproblems

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Never said the reasoning was good, just that it's apparently a thing.

I thought the Banana was supposed to be the "athiest's worst nightmare." Something about it being in a container that protects it and is perfectly shaped to fit the human and and thus prove that the world was designed specifically for us.

I got all excited, then I saw there was nothing I was interested in, and then I saw none of them are actually on sale right now.


Best part of the video by far: "Director? Brett Ratner." Oh inflection, you make everything more fun.

I 100% expected Artie's son to get killed during that mission. Kind of glad he didn't because that would have been a devastating reveal for a final episode. Also, disappointed Artie's son wasn't the new Artie in Warehouse 14.

They also all seem to have hair with the ability to suddenly defy gravity. I swear, it's not a Ghibli film without someone staring at something and have their hair suddenly raise up without any explainable force causing it. Doesn't matter the reason, be it surprise, anger, excitement, if it's Ghibli, the hair will