Lily The Moo

Something that I think should be pointed out about Chronicles of Riddick is that Vin Diesel apparently turned down something like 20 million dollars to star in 2 Fast 2 Furious to do Chronicles of Riddick, which he got paid 50,000 for. He may not be the best actor, but I do have to respect the man for that kind of

Because clearly the people who lived in those houses died from smoke inhalation when starting a fire inside their chimney-less cabins.

Timely? Perhaps not. Accurate? Certainly, which seems to be a rare commodity when it comes to most references to video games on TV shows or movies, even matters that may take only a few seconds of Googling to get straight. It's sad, but this is noteworthy. Also, damn funny.

Honestly, I'll miss Sam Witwer. The cast is pretty spectacular and the writing is great, but the more I see and hear Sam Witwer the more I like him. He's great in just about everything he does, even the small guest staring roles, and because Clone Wars is done, in which he managed to make Darth Maul a far more

I think Syfy made a game show based on this called EXIT. It was pretty entertaining, which is surprising given the usual tripe that Syfy seems to push these days. I don't think it got picked up for a second season.

Gamera isn't a Toho owned monster, so there's not a chance of that happening.

Some characters even spend full episodes completely without clothes. The nudity in the show is rampant, but rarely sexual, and is often part of a running gag. It is never anatomically correct—no nipples or pubic hair or penises—but there is no denying that by the end, literally everyone and their dog is completely

Stupid, juvenile, and I couldn't keep myself from snickering like a child. I was, however, disappointed they didn't find any Nick Fury lines they could censor. I mean, Samuel L. Jackson, come on, at some point I want to see Nick Fury drop an F Bomb if only because it's Samuel L. fucking Jackson.

I read that as "An Astronaut and His Robot Companion are Photobombed by a Watery PLANT" which left me confused. First off, I wondered what exactly a Watery Plant was, then I wondered where the hell this so called "watery" plant was. God I feel stupid.

Judging by the matching colors and emblems on Gamora and Quill I would think this is how they'll probably look once they've decided to stick together as a team. I'm not terribly crazy about it, but then I really liked their old costumes post Annihilation. Not going to ruin the movie for me though.

My very first thought.

I saw that Can-in-Stein thing and thought to myself "Oh, damn that's cool, and it's only 12... GOD DAMN IT APRIL FOOL'S DAY!"

Yeah, looks like a really baaad injury. I kid, I kid.

The entire thing is in Italian, with no subtitles, but trust me, you don't need a translation.

Another great internet two legged dog.

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The only appropriate response I could give.

I haven't even managed to beat the game on its easiest difficulty and I'm excited about this. I love that damn game.

I feel like the next obvious step is a movie about a college student trying to make it big by winning a breakhumbling tournament.

Now playing

I believe this is the one. He doesn't give it to her in the video, but the reference to their last meeting where he gives it to her is made in the video, and it seems unlikely that they'll actually make an episode all about River and the Doctor going out on a date, particularly now with Smith gone.