Lily The Moo

Regretfully, painfully, shamefully, I have always meant to see that I just have not gotten around to do it, and I must say it is utterly beautiful, much closer to what I had hoped from Tangled. No surprise that the director worked on Tangled either.

Well Tangled did try it's damndest to create a style that mixed both CG and traditional, but the final product wasn't quite as spectacular as the concept designs were, and the whole creative process ended up making the movie the most expensive animated and second most expensive movie after inflation with it barely

I said traditionally animated, and Pixar's movies, exception being to I think a few shorts, tend to be CG, as are most animated movies that are released these days. I do not deny Pixar and Disney's quality, though I do believe Pixar's has dipped a little recently, but there is a certain quality to traditionally

God, a traditionally animated movie with this much detail would be fucking mind blowing. It would also probably cost a few hundred million dollars, take ten years, and probably do poorly in theaters because mainstream traditionally animated movies don't really perform well anymore unless it's an anime movie in japan.

Wow, I expected Los Angeles to be much much worse, but the max seems to be like around 40. California in general seems surprisingly moderate actually except for apparently some place called Chester that I have never heard of.

I do hope this isn't in fact Ultron, because it looks nothing like him. He has changed several times over the years, but the head, with the slit eyes and that menacing mouth, has remained the same for a long time. I do see some of his deisng in that helm, with the little mandible things on the side, and maybe the part

That already happened during the Night and the Doctor, 5 mini-episodes that were on the sixth season DVD box set. It's a little annoying that they made it such a minor thing in something that you won't see on TV, but given that it only showed up in that one episode it kind of makes sense that they just want to be done

Hey! That's Kumail Nanjiani!

It can't get a US/EU release because the licensing rights for many of the series in question are held by different companies. The logistics of getting that to work is too costly and difficult to be worth the effort.

Ironically, your example of Hollywood movies being in English when they are filmed in other countries is also flawed, because they speak both Japanese and English in the movie in segments are more than adopted words.

Once more with feeling was one of the best episodes of Buffy, but I am looking forward to the completely silent Avengers film now.

Would be nice to see the full length of him doing that. Someone posted a video of a guy hand painting lettering on Kinja a few months ago, fucking beautiful to watch that stuff at length.

Sucker Punch was a first for me, in that it was the first movie I've ever seen in theaters that I've wanted to walk out of. It was flatly uninteresting, the action scenes weren't very entertaining, and for a movie that tries to be both about female empowerment and be sexy at the same time it fails to do either.

Because English is only spoken in England? It's the third most common language in the world after Mandarin and Spanish. It's not to say it can't not be English, given the names in the series German does seem like a good possibility, but English seems more likely at the very least than Japanese.

Not under that name, but during the 90s, during the big rush of Anime that accompanied Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon, it did appear on Cartoon Network as Knights of the Zodiac.

I might give up on this show on the merit that they decided to go with two general archtypes for the kids on the planet. One, stuck up know it alls, and two, arrogant rebels who have no regard for their lives let alone anyone else's, and the worse of the two is the latter, who seem to populate most of the cast.

So this is the Japanese equivalent of the "What it's like to chew 5 gum" commercials? If those commercials weren't bad enough this makes them look much more insufferable in comparison. I'd take random businessman being carried to work by a cat over... whatever hellish nightmare they call those 5 gum things.

Honestly, Attack on Titan's seems like one of those animes where an English dub makes more sense from just a stand point of the setting. The series does not seem to take place in Japan, or even Asia, and most of the characters have western names. Them speaking Japanese makes sense in as far that it's a Japanese

I imagine North Korea has these too, but they've taken the "theme" out of the park, they're not fun, and the guns don't fire BBs.

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Rocket Jump is Freddie Wong's youtube channel, who is known for making tons of visual effect heavy videos. It's what he does, and has even done a few videos that are less fantastical than something like say a "realistic" call of duty video. For example: