Lily The Moo

That's actually a brilliant idea. I just hope Valve doesn't cheap out this year and forget to do a summer sale.

So you're one of those guys that gets a sandbox game and only focuses on the main objectives, or someone who only kills monsters and goes through dungeons in Minecraft and never builds just for the shits and giggles? The guy's kidnappers are not trolling, they're just having a laugh. Video games are not serious

Yeah, but then I'd have to buy Arma II, a game I have ZERO interest in.

That's sort of the point though. He's enjoying the journey, not looking forward to the destination, which is the fun little bit.


This is sort of one of those comments someone's ignorant parent or grandparent says to try and sound "hip", like calling an Xbox a Playstation.

Yeah, I was very fond of her as the Question, and I loved how they went with a very understated death for Vic Sage, right in the wake of the death of Blue Beetle and Maxwell Lord. It was a great contrast and seemed like a lovely way to transfer the mantel over.

I'm really starting to wish they had just left Holly dead. I know she plays a pretty common role in the series, especially for Felicia Day, being the excitable awkward geek, but that's what I like about her. Felicia Day is those roles as Bruce Campbell is to his. Bringing her back to life just to make her a dangerous

I would imagine the mention of "the more butch members of the Gotham Police Dept" as being Renée Montoya, AKA the Question seeing as Batwoman and Renée Montoya had several sexual encounters over a few issues.

I'm rather surprised that, while Batwoman is mentioned and the Question is mentioned in passing in the article, there's no mention at all of Alan Scott, whom DC just recently made a big deal about being a "mainstream" gay superhero.

When will the large felines sue Apple? I mean Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, all complete rip offs. The cats were here first and some of them have sympathy for being endangered. Those kitties ought to run Apple out of business.

It's blood. A common gag in japan when confronted with a risque situation or even just thought is for the characters to have wild uncontrollable nosebleeds, which can range from a gentle trickle from the nose, to a shoopdawoop level that throws the character's head back or even launches them from the ground. I've

Yeah, I hear they're quite explosive.

God, I kind of want that game based on that fantastic title alone.

Honestly, out of the potential series I've heard them talk about being made, Guardians of the Galaxy probably seemed like the strongest candidate for an animated flick. Characters like Star Lord, Quasar/Martyr, MoonDragon, Major Victory, or any of the more humanoid characters are easy enough to do in live action, but

Now playing

Who touched Sas... oh wait, china. Yeah, Final Combat... I got nothing.

As awesome as it is I have to ask it: why is that cockpit seat not the toilet? In the foyer or whatever it doesn't seem to serve much purpose, but in the bathroom it would be absolutely awesome to shit like a Gundam pilot.

That video sort of makes me think that Rovio isn't just making this game to make money from the iOS market, but that they're also reaching out feelers on getting someone to make a Saturday morning cartoon show based on this particular game.

Must.... watch...