Lily The Moo

Please tell me that's an actual clip from an anime and not just something that has been doctored up.

So the facebook gaming model is extending to console games now. It could be annoying, but it might also be interesting if companies start it outside of japan.

There were actually some mice that had fans inside of them. I got one, tried it out, didn't really work, but it was cheap so I wasn't too broken. Good idea though. I want to say they were called Airflo, but I can't seem to find it on amazon.

I wonder how fast it blows, because I imagine some people might get bored and start talking at their mouse to get that weird sound effect like you get with like a table or box fan. Might be entertaining in a raid or a competitive match.

Well it seems like people can still buy liver and eat it raw at their houses, they just can't get it prepared and served in restaurants. So it's a case of people-are-going-to-do-it-anyway-so-let's-limit-the-damage, much like is the case with banning cigarettes from being smoked in most establishments or certain areas.

Unless you get bird flu from undercooked chicken, or even E. coli, just like with the raw liver.

Kotaku East articles are generally just focused on Asian culture, they don't necessarily have to do with video games. For example, the dozens of articles on girl 'idols' that appear in really disturbing photoshopped pictures, or the one about the guy who served his wedding tackle to a bunch of people as dinner for

Not to mention the united states, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President Day, which is held on Washington's birthday.

Yeah, someone with photoshop really needs to strip Luigi of his upper lip brassier.

So... Luigi has lip tits?

I'm disappointed the quest doesn't start by shooting a guard in the knee with an arrow.

Except I don't really need the ending fleshed out. I liked the resolution, but I don't need really care if they pull back the curtain on the Deus Ex Machina more.

You know, I honestly wasn't that bothered by the ending, so I can't really see myself bothering to download an almost 2 gb DLC pack for something I'm resoundingly indifferent about. I do wonder when they're going to release the next MP pack though.

They want it because of that damn PS3 Tech demo Sony showed off like a decade ago that made Cloud and Midgard look all spiffy.

Oh good. Another nice little argument against the hopeless fans who are still whining for a remake of FFVII.

I just hope they don't let a 15 year old whiny pacifist pilot it.

Pam, darling, I know this is going to be hard for you, what with Sookie being an annoying cunt who will nag your ear off before she does her fairy iron man impersonation when she find out, but please, let Tara burn. She's been a drag since the first episode, and no one would miss her.

Finally, an article about a girl in Japan that doesn't have to do with her making photoshopped pictures of herself to look like a doll or have large anime eyes that has suddenly become an idol for whatever reason.

Oni wasn't an anime based game. Granted, it took influence from Ghost in the Shell, but there is no Oni anime.

Probably because the only Gundam games that seem to released outside of Japan these days have the words "Dynasty" and "Warriors" in front of them.