Lily The Moo

Yeah, but young doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be newtypes. Char Aznable was a newtype, but he wasn't as young as Amuro, and they didn't even really begin to realize that newtypes were real until later in original series. It was all theoretical and the federation were allowing a 15 year old kid to pilot

There's one thing that generally bothers me about the entire Gundam franchise: giving huge war machines to kids in high school. It doesn't make sense. You have giant mechas that probably cost billions of dollars to make, even prototypes that are intended to turn the tides of a war, and you let a 15 year old pilot it?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Large Photoshopped eyes are fucking creepy.

While I've been there before, I never realized it was Flynn's Arcade until now.

Don't forget this one

It could very well have been that what happened here is the same thing that happened with the Pakistani Sesame Street recently. The company was getting money funneled in by the government, so the employees decided to spend most of that money on paying the debts instead of putting it towards the movie.

Yeah, as I recall the unit Pepper Potts uses doesn't use repulsor technology like the Iron Man suit, but force fields, though I could be mistaken. The storyline was rather fantastic though. Matt Fraction is a superb writer.

What about all of the metal plates and joints her hair is bound to get stuck in? If she moves her arm in just the right way with the wind blowing the wrong way she's bound to get her hair stuck between some plates on her shoulder. I can't imagine she could be very effective if she's stopping in the middle of an

Calling it right now, game of the year.

Damn, I was hoping he did a song and number about how super it was being gay while fishing for compliments he got from his outfit he got from "Merv's".

Sort of one of those "you know you have a problem when..." moments isn't it? I mean, Koreans have become so well known for their gaming addiction that even the North Korean government is trying to use that as a weapon, and it would probably be the only weapon that they ever made that would actually work.

Huh, Japanese developers showing off a demo off their multiplatform game on an Xbox 360. It's like seeing a unicorn in the wild.

Because the game's probably so damn crazy/Japanese that Nintendo didn't think it would appeal to a western audience, and were probably hesitant after Elite Beat Agents failed to sell as they hoped it might.

Except no one's going to mistaken a 360 controller for a Super Nintendo controller because of their shape.

Well, I'm glad someone appreciates it.

From the looks of that video nothing's really changed from Halo Reach to Halo 4. I'll try and act surprised.... gaaaaaasp.

It's largely the same game that they announced a few years ago. The development for the game was shelved at one point because the team couldn't figure out how to actually build up the gameplay beyond the slice anything mechanic. As I recall someone from Platinum was talking to Kojima about the game, he mentioned how

She found the log-in information to a blog that a bored reaper decided to leave lying around.

The chick in the bikini sure does like to say "Okay" a lot."

Well, I would imagine North Korea's either starving or busy building it's next intercontinental rocket that's going to fail shortly after launch, perhaps both.