Lily The Moo

First Lupin series with a female director, yet the pictures seem to suggest that the first episode almost solely on Fujiko being the biggest slut she possibly can be. That seems strange.

To my understanding it's because Bioware pulled a Molyneux. They said the progress you made through ME1-3 would make a difference in the ending and that it wouldn't be so much of an "ending A" "ending B" "ending C" sort of thing, that tied with the random starchild left some ruffled semi-flexible, cartilage based

Actually, according to a director of Marketing and Public Relations for EA Latin America, there won't be any "modified ending." The new DLC will simply expand upon the scene featured in the ending so it makes more sense and the catalyst kid won't seem so out of the left field.

They already did that version of Iron Man 4, except it stared Shia LeBeof, was called Transformers, and he was looking for a job for two hours instead of sitting in a hot tub for two hours.

I kind of want it to be real so some studio could come along and try to make it into a movie. I want to see some crazy semi-photorealistic CGI pokemon in action.

I'm not entirely sure why I thought that the teddy bear talking was a Wilfred sort of thing where it was just in Mark Walhberg's mind. This is Seth McFarlane, talking bears, goldfish, dogs and koala bears are of the norm, why not a talking stuffed animal?

Thought the same thing myself. As is the case with so many things Wikipedia had the answer:

It was nice to see Cass back last week, but by the end of this episode I was literally chanting "Bobby Bobby Bobby" like some excited, sugar-high child when Bobby finally appeared.

Which will only really effect the anal-retentive players who fancy themselves "pro", because of their high number on the leaderboard and the number of hits their videos get on youtube, who are the minority of the series. Hipsters really.

That's nitpicking. Plenty of modern console games run at 30 FPS, including Battlefield 3, which is perfectly playable. By your own admission the Devil May Cry series is about combat and, again, unless you've played the game and can say with absolute certainty that it doesn't play as good as DMC3 or 4 then you really

Unless you've played the game I don't really see how you can say the game is a failure with any sort of credibility.

I'm not willing to give up on the series because a bunch of fans are acting like the viewers of Felicity by getting butthurt by a change in Dante's hairstyle. Story retcons and a change in appearance won't make a difference if the game plays like DMC3 and 4.

I saw "Devil May Cry" and "MMO" and I was on board, then I saw the video and I am suddenly reminded of how China can ruin perfectly good things.

Kind of gave me a sort of Evil Dead feeling. Ought to be great either way, Laika's got a great track record.

Wow... that spoon is pretty awesome, which seems like such a strange thing to say. I don't care much for tofu, but I'd be tempted to buy that just for a Zaku spoon.

But who would read that article? Would you?

Boy Love pocky? It's not chocolate... is it? God, I hope not.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this same exact thing.

That guy looks vaguely like Kim Jong-Il. Black hair that's cut short on the side and back but tall on the top, horrible oversized sunglasses, and soulless expression on his face. The outfit's almost as equally ridiculous as something the late dictator might wear, maybe even something his son might wear.

What? That there are vampires in the series? I don't think that's much of a spoiler, kind of the entire draw there actually.