Lily The Moo

Am I the only one that thinks that "rebirth pod" might make kind of a cool, if super dorky, bed?

Is it just me, or did that round(chunk of metal, whatever) they they fired look really wobbly? The application here seems to be artillery weapon, not rapid fire, so I would imagine around that wiggles around back and forth in flight might not be as accurate as say, a large cannon shell. It didn't even seem to be

Nice video, but I don't see it being a great reason to get excited about the Wii U. In the wildly unlikely chance that they do make another Mother game and make it for the Wii U there's no way in hell it's going to get localized outside of Japan.

Making pornos out of games at least has to be better than Hollywood making a movie out of game, right? I mean, sure, the story probably won't win awards, the production values won't be great, but at least the acting's bound to suck in the best way possible.

That art kind of makes me think that at some point we could have had an SSX-like ATV game, which kind of disappoints me that we don't.

All of these fringe punks and no one even brings up cyberpunk. For shame.

What is up with japan and making weird pudding videos? First pudi pudi(or perhaps second, I don't follow Japan's pudding video trends) and now a video that looks like it was directed by Tim Eric?

I think I've seen worse. There was a clip of this daily trek this village has to take daily via a zipline over a tiny ravine stories below. The toddlers have to go across in a burlap sack. On one hand they get two chances to possibly die. On the other hand the kids get a chance to be batman twice a day.

I can only imagine what the girl in the bathtub does when the phone is on vibrate. In fact, I may just imagine that now.

The robotic one might not seem so insane if that thing with the green eye is actually a bluetooth headset holder. It'd still be insane, just less so.

The visuals are nice, and because it's on the PSV it won't be a pain in the ass to control like every other shooter on the PSP was.... well, what few I played.

Oh, those picture are sexy, but... well, the image pretty much explains it.

If I lived in Texas that 99 dollar 3DS would be very tempting, but I don't so, meh.

I would gladly get a dozen paper cuts in order to make that. It is godly, sun-goddessly even.

The burgers are fine, but yeah, incredibly overrated. They need to figure out how make some damn french fries too. They're absolutely horrible.... and yet I always get them. I don't know why.

The game is really solid for being an MMO on the PS3. The game plays well when only using the controller, it looks pretty fantastic, and it's quite fun. Not only that, but the investment of a 10 dollar expansion pack for something you don't have to necessarily put more forward for is fantastic. I hope this works well

If only it had Child of Eden. I know they already did a bundle with it, but you get that game in along with Fruit Ninja, Gunstringer and Kinect Adventure and you have a solid line up of games for the Kinect.

Every set picture that leaks out for DKR just makes me more and more concerned about Nolan's direction for the film. I mean, this is kind of starting to turn out like Spider-man 3. Catwoman, Bane and Ra's Al Ghul all lined up for the final big movie in the trilogy.

Okay, I'm mildly nauseous now. God, the more I read the worse it becomes. It's just pile upon pile of horrific and depressing bull, yet I can't stop reading.

Very true, although I have a feeling that the patent Nintendo has on the Sanity Meter for the game might cause some problems for interested parties.