Lily The Moo

I hated X-men Destiny, but some small part of me did enjoy Too Human enough to desire a sequel. I can't say I didn't see this coming though. Dyack's been on this downward spiral of self-destruction ever since Too Human didn't perform as well as he anticipated and he's making his employees suffer because of it.

True, I don't know that, I just find it HIGHLY unlikely.

Even if it is a 3DS it seems like a really far way to go. I mean, the 3DS is pretty cheap right now, it's not like it's a 500 dollar iPad we're talking about, and given that Nintendo's reported a financial loss recently I can't imagine there's a huge demand for 3DSes, especially on a market where you're trying to sell

As much as I'd like to imagine that I'm apart of the majority in regards to being accepting of the changes to DmC I can't say I find that at all likely. That vocal group is, in all likelihood, the majority, plain and simple.

The only way I'd like this version of Still Alive were if someone actually made a Portal sitcom, like Laverne and Shirley, only Laverne is mute, Shirley is a homocidal AI, Wheatley is Lenny and Squiggy combined, and Cave is... okay, never watched that show much on Nick At Nite, so I can't say who Cave is, but I'm sure

Can't we just split the difference and say he looks like the love child of Sweets and Andre? Swandre?

I start watching the video, singing along, then Sarah Jane comes up and I can't help but feel sad that she's gone.

You know, Blizzard is making all of these sequels to their big titles, why can't they do it to their smaller ones? They have the manpower with Activision behind them, and they keep on saying how much they want to make games for consoles. Put that Swingin' Ape acquisition to good use and start making another

You catch that logo in the bottom right hand corner of the picture? That's the logo for the Onion News Network, which means that it came from a fake news company, so the box logo is probably a fake as well.

I honestly didn't mind Other M's story, at least most of it. There was, however, one thing that bothered the shit out of me, and still does. The game takes place right before fusion, it's the second to last title in the chronology, yet when Samus sees Ripley for the first time in Other M it's like Samus had only seen

I hope this is very very early on, because right now the game just looks like something that could be made in flash but with Deus Ex: Human Revolution loading times. Granted, the art style is brilliant, but little else in that video particularly struck me as noteworthy.

Is it just me, or does Mai kind of look like a tremendously bored middle-age mother?

So this is another leap forward for the creepy Japanese molesting titles?

I can't help but imagine the new 3DS taking a cue from Piranha 3D and calling it the 3DDS(Three Double-D S). It's a complete impossibility, but I find it amusing.

Looks like a nice CE. The demo for the game was absolutely boring, and any interest I have in the series pretty much just extends to the Sonic DS titles, but it still looks like a nice Collector's edition.

"Its booth booth"

I couldn't help but think of the Parasol Protectorate series upon watching this video, especially given that Heartless features a large Brass Octopus traipsing through London.

Hmm, then I might actually play this game, which would make this the first racing sim I've played since... Gran Turismo 2.