Lily The Moo

As a rule of thumb, if it's a racing game that's not a traditional Burnout title(i.e. not top down) then I tend to right it off all together. That being said, if Microsoft does with Forza 4 what Sony did with LittleBigPlanet, which is to say if they take a fantastically funny British person to narrate everything, I'm

As great as it is that the ass kicking 8 year old video gamer is getting a sponsorship, is anyone really going to buy those ugly ass t-shirts? It's not like it's going to a charity or anything.

And the Mass Effect/Doctor Who fanfiction starts.... NOW!

The PS3 version doesn't have all of the DLC as the article says. That's at least half of the DLC, maybe a third.

The Playstation Vita looks just as sexy without the high gloss finish, and the Xbox 360 was pretty awesome looking before they slimmed it down. The original 20 gig Playstation 3 was more of a draw for me because it lacked the gloss finish and chrome on the disk drive, but of course it lacked the memory card input.

So why do companies still do glossy finishes on their electronics? I mean, does that shiny outside make so much of a difference when it only looks nice before you get your finger prints all over it? The PS3's matte now, the 360's going matte too, as is the PSVita and now the PSP.

There is one thing that could turn people's perception on this game around completely. Andy Serkis.

Sandbox title that will may you shit your pants... It's a litterbox?

This constant knee jerking from the fanbase is driving me nuts. A few little changes to Dante's look and a majority of the fanbase is eager to nitpick at the game every time something new comes out. Frankly, after the rushed fiasco that was Devil May Cry 2. I honestly don't see Capcom screwing up so fantastically

What game have you been playing where he's blonde? DMC1,2,3 and 4 it's white, not blonde, not even platinum blonde, white, maybe in a pinch grey.

I wonder if enemies in MGS3D will avoid Snake or go out of their way to kill him when he's skulking around in the inevitable penis stealth suit.

It does seem like it was. The song wasn't released on any of Donna Summer's albums, but in the soundtrack to the Pokemon 2000 movie. Also, as the article mentions, Cain attributed the song to the closing ceremonies at the 2000 Olympics, which it was not, but the closing song to the Pokemon 2000 movie. It might not be

I wonder if he's pro or anti Team Plasma.

Wasn't Jones' third film going to be a follow up to Moon? Sort of Blade Runnerish, takes place in the same universe as Moon, but not a direct sequel sort of thing? Kind of hope that's what this is. Might be nice to see where that continuity goes.

Now playing

Disregard this on a whole. It went so wrong from the beginning and editing didn't help. Although this was the video I was talking about.

This is how I responded to this video.

I've had this exact same thing happen to me. I had manually turned off auto renewal through the website when you could do that. About two months before my subscription was up auto renewal turned back on without any email or warning or any prompt from me. When it came around to my subscription ending Microsoft decided

I'm honestly kind of disappointed that there isn't a turret to go with the Lego Engineer.

Don't be silly. Bomb-shell bras of course.