Lily St. Regis

Black women don’t matter. Only their fetuses do but only until their fetuses are born and then we don’t care about them again.

i kinda want this. i could put it on tables next to me and talk to it.

I’m sorry, but did Hillary Clinton cheat? Was she accused of domestic violence?

But how does that address the fact that Trump supporters won’t vote for Hillary because she got cheated on, in favor of supporting a candidate that has a storied history of doing the cheating.

It depends. What were you wearing?

she wasn’t putting out like a good wife should

I know I’m bringing logic to a crazy fight here, but...shouldn’t conservatives approve of Hillary standing by Bill? Something something sanctity of marriage? Yes?

Sleeves, sleeves, my kingdom for sleeves. God. I am so sick of having to buy short sleeved cardigans because every summer dress or top has no sleeves or the dreaded cap sleeves.

Guys, I don’t think you understand. George W. Bush’s paintings are FASCINATING. They’re really good. Like, this failure of a president has retreated into this quiet life of creating these painfully amateurish paintings that have this funny, melancholy quality. I would love to buy one. 100% serious.

Married dude here: If my wife said, “hey I’m leaving you for Captain America,” I'd completely understand. It would suck, but I couldn't blame her.

I still feel like she cancelled the wedding when she realized she’d be Bristol Meyer.

Same here. And to be honest, I still wrestle with the fact that Annie Hall is one of my all time favorite movies, but I don’t try to justify loving that movie by saying “Well, I don’t know the people who made these allegations about him so I guess I can’t judge!” I just acknowledge that fact that horrible people can

But surely there are some healthy snacks that do not taste like a handful of trail mix that got crushed underneath the couch cushions for six months?

Canoodling requires spit swapping, from what I understand.

Stay classy, lynn1964.

She does not have good taste in guys.

I guess now we all know who that fan was from last night.

The commenters on TMZ are really shipping this.

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.