Lily Sparks

I grew up in a heavily Muslim area (Palestinian, Egyptian, Chechen, and Lebanese primarily with a small Indonesian and Malaysian Islamic community) and am very familiar with the customs and dress requirements as they are interpreted in the Western world. About half of my friends at any given time were Muslim, although

You’re basically arguing “what were they wearing” and accusing
hundreds of women of a racist conspiricy with zero proof.

Allow me to clarify. In Germany it is illegal to carry pepper spray unless you are in the woods(for defense against animals, two or four legs I assume) God help you if you get caught with pepper spray during a large gathering. In Germany it is illegal to walk around with a knife, unless you happen to be a chef or a

How is this only the second story Jezebel has run on this? This was all over the media when it occurred and Jezebel ran one short and somewhat bland story about it.

So shut those leeches down, don’t silence other women who have legitimate criticisms. Otherwise, you ARE a coward who goes after the easier target because you know that the male leeches would be so much harder to be silenced due to their privilege than women.

LOL people like me? Dumbass, I AM a feminist. Being a feminist, however, does not mean that you think feminism is without its flaws. Self-assessment and self-criticism are vital, if you wish to develop and better yourself, as person and as a feminist. Pointing out that Western feminism is cowardly and hypocritical

You think that hundreds of women are conspiring all over Europe to lie about sexual assault in order to stir up xenophobia? How is that not victim blaming?

really, so you think hundreds of women who filed complaint are lying?

Way to bury this story on the Sunday night of the Golden Globes, Jez. A+

the immigrants are not all from Syria— they are from all over the middle east and africa. most of these societies require women to dress modestly, with a few on the more extreme end committing violence against women who are not 100% covered. for the most part, these extreme religious rules are pretty recent, the

Yes, there is a lot of videos, that’s how they are finding the men. They just do not release the videos in order to keep things from escalating. The whole thing is totally sick, but it would be even sicker to release the videos then have people beating and killing innocent refugees.

They’re called regressive liberals. They’re amongst the worst.

Just a few pointers. I don’t know where you are from, but at my end of the woods (Europe, Denmark in particular) this story HAS been all over the news. It took a while to gain traction, especially because the German police was so silent about it, but now it’s all people talk about. However - the reporting has been

Um, when was the last time 500 women (at least) were assaulted en masse in one night, in one place, by an organised group (or groups) of men? The Tahrir Squre gang rapes and assaults are the only one I can think of. The Puerto Rican Day parade attacks come to mind as well but they pale in comparison to Tahrir and

I feel so terrible for any woman that suffered through that godawful shitshow- it’s terrifying enough when one or two men are invading your space and making it pretty obvious they intend to go further, I really just cannot imagine when it’s so many of them, all at once.
This really seems to fit squarely in the realm

My response to my (all too many) “progressive” friends wringing their hands over the right-wing using this to be racist is, “Probably some people will do that, which is all the more reason for us to offer a constructive response that shows how to advocate for women.”

Germany has taken in 1.1 million people in less than a year. Not selected from camps and checked - jut opening border and welcome. About 70 to 80% of them are fit young men. They come from cultures where you can “ slut shame “ a woman for showing any part of her body. You can have thick stockings, full baggy covering

“Allegedly concealing information” - translated , that means that initially, the police reported that the night had passed “peacefully “ & it took 4 to 5 days for the truth to be acknowledged publicly. The mass sexual assults was too widely reported on social media for it to continue to be denied. 100 men were

Religious and cultural background absolutelty matter because they are explantory factors for behavior. Period. You can isolate these things as causal factors without being a racist, Islamophobic asshole, but ignoring the fact that numerous women were sexually assaulted by a specific group of men because that fact