
I go back and forth but generally I think he lands on the side of slightly unconventially handsome. Like someone said in the thread, though much of his appeal comes from his mannerisms.

Thank you and you're right. I feel the same way, nothing should be so complicated. And this past weekend has sealed it for me. It occurred to me a bit ago that even if I was with him based on all this, it would be a nightmare. This behavior is how it is, you know? And who needs that? I think I have just wanted my

So I'm a little sad but ok at the same time. Also feeling a little lame that I have no one else to share this with but here goes anyway.

All generally good rules of thumb!


I am always torn re: Baccarin. I have never seen her in anything else so it could be that she's excellent at portraying a really unlikeable and stiff character. Kind of like Anna Gunn with Skyler in Breaking Bad. I just can't take Brody and fam, though. They can really work a nerve.

And, or course, if you did that they'd arrest you for assault. Because them getting their asses kicked for being disgusting rapists would be considered more of a violation than them actually being rapists. Fuck.

This is good to know because I stopped a quarter of the way through episode three. After trying to deal with Brody and fam in episode 2, as well as Carrie's "stuff" in the bit of episode I hung it up for awhile. So I'll head back to binge watch at your recommendation.

You think? My experience has been that it is Black men and other men of color who go for light-skinned women and white men who tend to date dark skinned women if/when they date Black women particularly. I have always thought that it was a sort of way for them to "go big" so to speak.

This made me chuckle.

I think this is really important. So many things go into the way a kid is affected by whatever sort of punished s/he gets. I was both hit and yelled at and don't feel as if I was abused and don't see I huge problem with either. I got the look and that pretty much handled minor to major offenses and I also wasn't

I was thinking the same thing. He tried. I guess.

Thank you!

Ahhh. Thank you for clarifying.

He is not cute. Also, aren't hippos horrifying and dangerous? Or is that rhinos. Both?

Ok. Thank you for this. I have one of these in my apartment and I cannot figure it out and there is no manual and the landlady and maintenance dude are both worthless. I have only lived in places with radiators and heat provided by management.

This is also how I sound when I am eating something delicious. And maybe not so delicious. Eating is serious business. I feel you, Teddy.

It's very strange Kanye West's commitment to whatever it is he is doing. I still maintain there's mental illness bubbling just below the surface and I hope he'll be ok. But there's also this really intense other thing that feels like self loathing being manifested. But I'm not sure because I've never waded in the

It's complicated and more than I want to write out right here. Maybe I'll post it on my site, if I do, I'll reply with a link.

Also the point is that Plessy institutionalized and officially introduced the idea of separate but equal not just that it upheld segregation. Which, incidentally was part of her issue.