
Mockingbird doesn’t want to lose what they have together for the sake of work. That was interesting seeing the two relationships evolve.

I’d think that since Jemma’s returns, they would have run a battery of medical tests on her. If she were pregnant, I don’t see how she could have hidden that.

At least we got May vs. Perkins? Close enough?

... right down to getting into a brawl with Ms. Perkins!

I think Ward would have anticipated that SOMEBODY from team Coulson would be coming after him eventually. They weren’t just going to let him walk away.

Am I the only one who was having some major KyleXY flashbacks from amnesiac Sif? Especially the scene on the beach...

I've made a 'pizza' with a cream cheese base as a really easy appetizer. It's pretty delicious.

Did she really have implants in story? Kind of, but not really.

On the breast implants... she probably never had them.

The breast implant thing is... complicated. There was a page in which she was getting operated on by Hydra, supposedly to restore her failing powers in exchange for becoming a double agent. And on one of the operating tables, you could see a pair of breast implants - presumably ready to be put in. Sight gag, thanks

It was the skrull imposter who could fly. I guess the skrulls felt like she needed some upgrades. Once real Jessica returned from being abducted by aliens, she was back to just gliding.

I actually asked my Dad for a new cordless drill this year...

It wasn't stated in the episode, but she's a character plucked directly from the comics... and this is a well-established fact in the books.

We can at least celebrate the appearance of Victoria Hand, right?

I just can't watch that scene. It absolutely kills me everytime.

I'm sure it'll be an entertaining movie, but... I can't help but to think that the center of the DC Universe is supposed to be a trinity of heroes. Somebody is missing here.