
At lot of them have also remarked that this was a uniquely difficult press junket in that they weren’t allowed to talk about the movie.  So they had to be constantly on guard and extra creative to be engaging and charming and yet say nothing of consequence at all.

It’s not even business casual really.  If you look really, really close... those aren’t jeans.  It’s the bottom half of her costume.  So, I’m assuming she just takes the jacket off and had a black tank on underneath.

When they revealed Carol’s callsign, the entire audience in my theatre groaned, that probably isn’t the reaction they wanted.

It really IS true. Everybody in Scott Pilgrim eventually becomes a superhero! Captains America and Marvel, a Superman, a Punisher, and now Huntress!

This is often a problem in urban environments.  I’d say if your delivery driver HAS to double park (which they often will)... you should expect to meet them downstairs.  No matter how well you tip, it probably won’t be enough to cover the potential parking tickets.

I’m just going to sit here and dream about the possibility of the Marvel show bringing Mockingbird back to us, obvious scheduling conflicts with The Orville notwithstanding...

Is that Chewie the cat hiding on the left side of the poster?!

Black Widow. She actually originally had the role, but had to drop out of Iron Man 2 due to conflicts with another project (Gulliver’s Travels, of all things), thus giving up the role and handing it off to Scarlet Johanssen. That’s probably the big reason why so many fans floated her name for Captain Marvel - so she’d

This was one of my favorite games growing up. I can almost imagine playing it again now, having played it so many times as a kid. Thank you for stirring those memories up again. (Man, I’d love to sit down and play it now.)

Idea 1) Maybe she was caught up in the same mind control that caught the rest of SHIELD? (Ignoring the fact that she apparently quit SHIELD in a recent issue of Spider-Man...)

This sounds nearly identical to Bridj, which was operating in Boston and maybe another city or two. It was another app-based, on-demand shuttle service running specific routes.

Also there’s a pretty consistent pattern in that team-up movies sell more tickets than the solo hero movies, for whatever reason.

I have the dumb luck to have two stops within reach of my living room. So, I recognize I probably have far more spins per day than average.

In my version of the world... this twist also gives them a perfect opening to bring back Bobbi and Hunter. (I know, I know... not happening. But, I can dream.)

I’m going to be mourning Mockingbird for a long time. The first arc was phenomenal. I get that it might not have been a book for all tastes... it was quirky, to say the least. But it’s so frustrating that it was cancelled before the release of the first trade - which apparently sold fairly well.

I’d believe it. At least 8 years ago... my Dad accidentally hit the dog with the footrest of the recliner when he was getting up. To this day, if someone is getting up out of one of those chairs, the dog gets up and moves to the other side of the room.

I blame it on Mack crying. A guy like Mack cries, you can’t help but to cry with him. (That one scene was sadder than any time they ever killed anybody.)

Does anyone else remember when this was tried in 2004... directed by John Woo? Using used Battlestar Galactica sets? Starring Adrianne Palicki in one of her first roles as Judy?

I spent five years working at a branding/advertising agency. I never experienced even the tiniest bit of sexist behavior or sexual harassment

Someone did this in the grocery store in my home town about 20 years ago. By the following 4th of July, there was a town-wide fireworks ban thanks to those clowns. (Said ban spread to the whole state within a few years after that.)