
I am only obligated to buy a gift for my immediate family. Since I know them pretty well, I can get something they need.

@didntmeanto: It's not even a real knock-off. It's just another blue wraparound-ish dress.

@dennis.g: It's definitely convenient, but I felt like the small bag of green tea I got from there was overpriced. I like the online sources better. Cheaper, more choices. I also feel like they're "fresher" because it comes from one source.

@mykalt45: I'm still pretty much a novice, but I've ordered from and with pleasant results. Mighty Leaf has the individual tea bags in silk. (They're also available in some stores, but super expensive.) I use the unbleached tea bags from adagio for convenience sometimes and it's cheaper than

@didntmeanto: Silk is a natural fiber, so it can breathe too. I bought my first silk bra a few months ago and it is just fabulous. (They're fairly hard to find.) The few silk undies I have are just heavenly too.

@Elskey: Thanks for posting this. I didn't read all of the comments for the 'Tangled' article. I had wandered why Brenda Chapman was no longer the director (but still credited as writer). I am hugely devoted to Pixar, even though it does seem very much like a "Boys' Club." It's sad to see that she probably got pushed

@Sukie is Brianna; non-anonymous: I'm planning to watch from home too. I have pushed aside kids to watch every Pixar movie opening night. Damn you Pixar!

@womanofsteele: Wow, that's awful. Did something good come out of the complaint? I went to my college health center long ago for a non-BC issue, but they were pretty good to me.

@la.donna.pietra: I moaned when Disney bought out Pixar. I'm glad that they still have a lot of control over quality. Even though Toy Story 2 and 3 were great, I still wish they stopped doing sequels (Cars 2 is coming soon, along with Monsters Inc 2).

@Chrysocolla: Both the voice and singer are Asian. The singer is a well-known Broadway actress, Lea Salonga.

@Sock.Hop: I certainly hope not either. The average Pixar movie takes more than 3 years to develop, I believe. And I'd really like to see a female-centric Pixar movie. I have the highest hopes for it.

@la.donna.pietra: I'll go in Pixar's defense. Since it's a very technical company, there are a lot of men in there. They write what they know. They have slowly been bringing more diversity in their staff.

@lilyblaze: I assume she's still a shareholder too.

@toohotforporncareer: Really? There was a lot of criticism for how bad Mischa was. Many of us cheered when the character was killed off (some wish it had been sooner).

Looking at the place from the link above, the mansion has a ballroom which reminds me of "Sound of Music." Also, there's a library (I think).

@Ipomoea: She's just a really good author. I find her romances very funny. I really liked the one with the rich heiress.

@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): I'm enjoying it too. I think eBook technology has helped the romance genre a lot. Maybe not in sales, but definitely in allowing independent authors into self-publishing and publishers into taking a chance on certain "risque" stuff.

@Ipomoea: That was just epic, epic. Smart Bitches even had the author of the eagle(?) article on their site.

@hausfrau76: I don't watch the show, but I occasionally read about it. Does audience voting make that much of a difference? (Does it count as much as one judge, two judges?) I could understand it making a difference between lower scores, but to get voted off after getting the highest score?

@Kenyakarma: Wow, am I glad that I graduated from my PA public school many years ago.