
@pantsless: I've only lived in VA for about 5 years now, but there seems to be a bit of difference between Northern and Southern.

@wtfox?!: My parents have a dry cleaners and I've been with my mom to two stores to deal with customer's clothing that shrunk (after having followed the directions on the label). Both stores either gave us store credit or even exchanges. Those two stores?

@delirium.megans: Crap, there are dressing rooms that have no mirrors!?! I do not want to go to those places.

@Lady formerly of the Bananas: I was looking through bras at an outlet store and encountered a used bra. Either the owner left it there on purpose, or the sales associate really couldn't tell the difference between a new item and an old one.

@JoliePolie: That's sad. I had an older woman give me a bra fitting at Nordstrom's. She was very good and gave me a perfect size.

@blackbirdfly: For me, shoe shopping is an epic but mostly fruitless journey for finding comfortable shoes that look pretty. This is difficult. My hunt is now immensely difficult with my shrunken feet.

With beauty products, I'm always afraid that I'll choose the wrong product for my body. Many stores now allow returns for unsatisfactory products, but I can't bring myself to do that.

@NefariousNewt: I don't know if it's feasible. We had a family computer until both my brother and I graduated high school. But Internet wasn't as popular, and cell phones were expensive.

@slightlyhardup: As a huge fan of "The Office" (owning several memorabilia and stalking Targets during their $1 "Office" merchandise heyday), I agree that it's declining. (I want the next to be the final.)

@dripdrop: I thought it was just weird that all the adult stars were nominated. (I understand that the Ed O'Neil was the only one to be leading actor while the rest were supporting. It's basically an ensemble show though.) I thought some of the stars were better than the others.

@jannanaphone: There wasn't a significant Korean population at my school. Mostly Caucasian with a growing Hispanic population. Official translators didn't happen (even Spanish).

My parents are immigrants (technically so am I), but my parents rarely attended parent-teacher conferences unless they were mandatory. (The bi-annual/annual were usually optional.) They couldn't speak English very well, and I probably would have attended as well to translate.

@vulcanized: I moved to Fairfax County, VA a few years ago. (It's a very expensive county near DC.) After having helped a recently immigrated friend enroll her kids into public school, I am amazed at the available translated languages. They have special mailings, parent-teacher conferences, and actual translators for

@Donovanesque: Apparently. I just checked (I don't have Facebook), and my high school's tenth is this Fall. I haven't actually interacted with anyone from HS since college. I'm not sure if I should go or if I care to go.

@NellMood: Most non-religious schools have an optional single-sex floor/dorm. My private non-religious college did.

@deeemer: Really? I must have missed that. I understand it after having read many historical romances. Guys would be a rake until their mid 30s/40s and then want/need to find a bride. And of course she has to be pure, so she's in her late teens/early 20s.

@CurtCole: You haven't seen the prequel yet, "Milk?"

@TheUptightMidwesterner: McNaught's "Paradise" was my first ever romance novel I read. (Whitney, My Love [original flavor], was definitely in the first 10 I've ever read.)

@deeemer: I would actually love if she stopped writing. I haven't liked any of her latest contemorary romance/faux mysteries at all.