Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

I can believe it. Mel is Catholic (this came out after she met the Pope) and it partly explains why she dressed like a 90-year-old Italian widow when she met him. Exorcism used to be frowned upon by the Catholic church post-Vatican II but everything 14th-century is new again.

If you’re married to someone who works in finance it is.

So hard to keep up. I copy edit but luckily for me the clients usually have their own wacky style guides. If they don’t I default to Chicago mostly or sometimes the AP or the AMA, I go with the flow. “Hmm, it seems that they like to capitalize [X]; whatever, they’re paying the bills.”

He’d better not watch the men’s Olympic diving portion when the Summer Olympics roll around. I can think of a few (past and present) who are now openly gay.

Trump really finds some strange ways to spend his time. All the tweeting. This special statement/shout-out to a staffer out the door for domestic violence. When was the last time he talked to or about the Exxon SecState Rex Tillerson? There is a world beyond Mar-a-Lago.

I’d never heard of him until I worked on a textbook last year geared toward third-graders. I’m in my 50s.

People forget how many times Trump must have been “interviewed” (deposed) during his long and checkered career. I think he blurts out things out of ignorance or rage or something but when he’s facing questioning by an attorney, and has a smart attorney or two by his side, he must be pretty good at it.

How old is your roommate? I’m in my 50s and I wasn’t born yet when Kennedy was President. I certainly know the myth of the Kennedy presidency intimately, how could “Vanity Fair” ever let us forget it. I think if I went to Amazon I’d probably find tens of thousands of books still in print that reference or focus on the

In that top photo, are those the top execs? God that looks like a grim work environment. I can only imagine what the workspaces for the lesser drones must look like.

If it were fixed up and moved to an ocean block in any number of beach towns in the northeast it would go for $2500 a week minimum in the summer. I think it’s (potentially) actually kind of charming.

Oh, I wish I could give you more stars for an excellently deployed Scrappy Doo reference.

That median home value number is insane. In Manhattan it’s about $1.1 million and for the other boroughs it’s less.

Well there was Herb Caen...I just made myself laugh.

I’m often pressed into service to act as a tour guide for friends’ friends or relatives visiting from out of town. I enjoy it because I like meeting new people, I set my own work schedule so I’m usually available, and I’ve lived here for so long I have an encyclopedic knowledge of all kinds of trivia, interesting and

I’ve taken the London Underground plenty of times and gasped in disbelief when I read about this campaign:

The one who was consigned to Georgetown’s business school. Not too bad, Ivanka started off there and then transferred to Trump favorite UPenn, but apparently Eric didn’t cut the mustard and had to hang out with the Jesuits in DC for all four years. That poor forgotten daughter, whatever her name is, is at Georgetown

Go Hoyas!

It was a completely random case, one of many that we heard over the course of our service, and there were multiple grand juries convened at the same time, so if not us it would have gone to one of them. They try to move stuff like this to trial pretty quickly, I think. I doubt they had sat on these videos for months

I served on a state grand jury about a decade ago. One of the people brought up on charges had a huge stash of child pornography, including videos. The DA said, “This is the evidence we have so you can see why we’re presenting the case.”

The Crown costs $13 million an episode. If you’re a set designer or a costumer that must be one of the best gigs on Earth. “OK, everyone, make this look like Balmoral, 1962. We’re only airing about two minutes of footage so I’m afraid the budget is very tight, $750,000, and please keep the cost overruns to a minimum.”