Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

It doesn’t really matter who took over at VF. “Uncle Si” (Newhouse) is recently dead, and the days of absorbing 8-figure annual losses on the print titles are over. No more interest-free loans to buy apartments and summer houses, no more town cars on demand, no more shipping a few dozen employees off to Europe for

You’re losing a prepositional battle, my friend. I’m an editorial by profession. My edits get reversed all the time. I have to edit myself in conversation. I was at a party over the weekend where someone said she had had a horrific experience flying to JFK. I wanted to say, “Oh, from where did you come?” but I amended

Aramis! That’s a name I haven’t heard since about 1992. You were on trend. You can probably throw it out, most cologne loses its scent over time, even in sealed bottles. Or sell it on ebay as a nostalgia item.

Now playing

Shelley Hack and Bobby Short and the “Charlie” jingle. To this day I remember every word to this song.

You must have really hated Downton Abbey then. Ninety-minute season premiere, hour-long episodes, 90-minute finale, then ANOTHER 90-minute finale-finale that broadcast in Britain at Christmas. (Or maybe longer; I think in Britain it aired with ads so maybe the 90-minute episodes stretched over two hours.)

The Charles Stuart one was especially heinous. Every woman I knew at the time said, “Bullshit, the husband did it,” but the Boston Police Department rounded up pretty much every Black man from the ages of 15 to 65 in the metro area and hauled them in for questioning.

I voted for Hillary precisely because I knew what I’d be getting. Trump was so erratic and self-contradictory I had no idea what he would try to pull as president.

This would be better suited for SNS but this revelation really pissed me off.

Maybe that was intended to be sarcasm? As far as election cycles go this is the least super of all the election Tuesdays. Virginia governor will be portentous, maybe. DeBlasio will probably be re-elected as NYC mayor. Does anyone care? I don’t care (it’s a foregone conclusion) and I live in New York. Still, I’ll vote

Do you have a CostCo or a BJs near you? Their frozen pizza selection is pretty good (bland, but add your own oregano) and they seem to operate on the Wal-Mart model where if a brand doesn’t sell, usually because people try it and never buy it again, they stop carrying it.

So THAT’s what Margot Kidder has been up to!

That’s really interesting about Handy. I always thought it was called that because the full name would be something like Handheldgerät and Germans are fond of nicknames and acronyms. Thanks for the info!

He’s Hamilton Fish V, it’s an old Hudson Valley family. One of my favorite names in magazine publishing is Katrina vanden Heuvel, of “The Nation.” I’m pretty sure there’s a character by that name in one of Washington Irving’s novels.

Tilda Swinton

That’s more a Waldorf salad, been around for decades, it also has lettuce, apples and walnuts. It’s one of the whitest foods known to man. (I had one last week. I am a white man.)

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Have you ever seen Bedazlled (the original with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, not that awful remake)? I’ve seen it many times, and this is my favorite scene. Those backup dancers can dance.

In German it’s Freitag, derived from Frigg, but a literal translation nowadays would be “Freeday.” And that’s really what it is, the day you’re liberated to start your weekend. Wednesday is “Mittwoch,” and that is literally what it is, midweek.

I think there was a huge flaw in the Clinton campaign strategy. In the primaries she had the superdelegates locked down so she had something like 500 delegates out of the gate, and then it was “Well, we need to just get to the number for the nomination,” so she won all those primaries in the Deep South and

Somewhat off-topic, I believe one of the reasons the top marginal rate got to 91% (it was as high as 94%) was America had a huge deficit paying for World War II and it was a patriotic thing to do. I studied this many years ago and I forget how the brackets broke down, but it was something like on the first $1,000 you

Or going a little further back in time, if you want to prove the existence of something find a financial record of it. Those ships were insured because the cargo (the slaves) was valuable and the crossing was perilous. There are detailed records of the number of humans boarded and how many survived. There are detailed