Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

That was a different show but similarly themed. On Ty’s show the friends and neighbors banded together to help. Problem was the expense of maintaining these new houses. One show got a lot of press because an entire town chipped in to build a Deserving Family this dream home, which included a huge top-of-the line

Someone recently told me their company doesn’t observe MLK Day. “We don’t celebrate some holiday made up for the coloreds.” My black husband attended their wedding with me.

All of those photos are so German (except for maybe the elephant trunk...bathtub?) Especially the first one with the beer bottle on the coffee table, the fourth one that is so reminiscent of Göring’s hunting lodge Carinhall, and the last one, because there are few other places on earth where slices of tomato,

Vern was the one who went to have his own show, didn’t he, where the gimmick was he’d redesign a room for some deserving family (I seem to remember widows with young children) and then throw in another room as a “surprise”? How it was a surprise to any of the deserving families is beyond me since he did it every

I can’t figure out where to leave this observation but I’ll leave it here.

How could you teach biochem at the college level and believe there isn’t enough evidence to support evolution? Did he believe God’s intention was:

I think non-Americans must think there are three Americas, composed of

It happened to a former coworker of mine. He is very handsome and wanted to get into acting. One night he and his boyfriend hailed a random cab, got in completely unaware, and totally blew it because of self-consciousness (no improv training I guess, plus he’s a little dim.) The episode never aired, but he has served

They usually have the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS auctions around the holidays, I thought. I was at a performance of “The Boy From Oz” many years ago and they were auctioning off the sweaty shirt Hugh Jackman was wearing during the finale. An older woman down the aisle from us stood up and screamed “How much for

I always think of Sessions as more like this guy, but with a drawl:

And think of all the guest stars that would have been available with the demise of “Love Boat” and “Fantasy Island”!

The really astonishing thing is (one of the many astonishing things is) that Presidential transitions usually go so smoothly. The outgoing president hangs around for a while, pardons a few people, and has the incoming president over for talks and briefings. No hard feelings. It doesn’t hurt that Presidents often

They exist! One of my rentals had one, the mirror is in a super-strong plastic casing on a hinge. I was tootling down a street in Cambridge which, for some inexplicable reason, was two-way, and this beast of a car came barreling at me and slammed into the mirror and kept going. Not again, I thought, but I pulled into

I have a story you might appreciate. I drive up to Boston occasionally and I use the rental while I’m up there. Twice I’ve had my rentals’ side view mirrors broken off by a passing motorist and neither stopped. Both times I went into a police station that was like something out of “The Departed” and forced the

So jealous. You’re going at a good time, the pound is down to $1.25 (American dollar) so if you’re paying your way through an American bank account the whole city is on sale. Not long ago the pound was $1.50 to $1.60 per. I occasionally do remote freelance work for a British firm that pays a flat rate in the local

Open sandwiches of toasted seven grain bread with arugula, tomatoes, and cheddar. Plus lots and lots of wine. I have a feeling I’m following the Sonja Morgan diet for when the unpaid interns have all left in disgust and mutual embarrassment.

Oh yes it is. It used to be worse. When we got him as a puppy he used to go to sleep (so we thought) and we’d pass out ourselves, and then around 2 or 3 in the morning he’d hop up in the bed and want to share the rawhide with one of us by dropping it on an unsuspecting sleeping face. This is him recently, with his

I’d bet he smells of Barbasol and Aqua Velva. (Both of these products are still available, by the way.)

DeVos at least has spent decades undermining public education and reaping the financial rewards of privatizing and Bible-izing it, so she knows the Department of Education exists. Rick “Dancing With The Stars” Perry over at Energy, however...

But remember Jer, for all we know Trump has referred to us as great legal minds and we might have been on the Supreme Court short list. Anyone could have been, really, the way this administration is being staffed.