Just the fact that Big pun is in here makes the game that much cooler.
Just the fact that Big pun is in here makes the game that much cooler.
who cares.....big whoop just for a stupid video call feature. Something my Evo does on 4g.
damn, as he was lacing the shoes i had the ''Fu*k yeahh" baddass moment.
Guys, he was coming back home from comic-con
the voice actions for android work perfectly if ONLY people would use it enough...then they would get used to it and realize the AWSOME power it has.
i hope to see only android and wp7 in 5years.
where can i get that picture in wallpaper version? 16/9 preferably.
@Jaredu: nicely said jaredu...it all goes back to win vs mac. i dont even have to explain....costumization, user control, choices, UI, etcc etccc
u cant dissagree with Hawkings. The man knows his stuff.
@ThaMofo: sweet. thanks for approving me as a commenter!!! Ive been here for over 2 years but never comment, but thanks!
@ThaMofo: whow...u think so? that would be craaazy.
anyone wanna guess how fast this would take with a quanntem computer??? maybe 1 day?
saw it...i liked
YESSSS! you guys have no idea how happy i am about this....
The team who are making this game also made my fav game on the 360. Midnight Club Los Angeles.
lil waynnnne. gucci man. yung money. soulja boy, yayyyyy,
i wish i could grab each and every one of those activision/IW people by the throat and ask each one....
Lets see...the first 2 dlc maps; everyone will know every corner. The last 3 (considering how small cod maps are) people will visualize the 3 maps in their head within a week.
its a simple thing called weight gain diet.
cool sh**....whats with all the quite gamers? soo damn quite.