
One of these flew fairly low and right over head twice whilst I was walking the dog this summer. They look out of place anywhere, but more so over a little town in England like mine. The desert moonscapes above don’t do the weirdness justice quite like seeing one over your sleepy hometown, which is all kinds of wtf.

1998 Defender 300tdi 110. Specifically my one!

Raoul Duke. Let’s put the “trip” into “road trip”.

Had to be a somewhat irrational NP from me, I really get the horn over these things since an intergrale evo 2 was the first properly fast car I got to ride in, aged about 10 on (well practised) tight English country roads. By that age it was already decided I was a speed freak, but that’s still the most exciting car

Defender? Oh wait..

The rest of world spec Defender, which still has the old 300tdi like mine. Best of both worlds because the engines can reasonably manage 250k without a rebuild but the vehicle is still built in the old Meccano style. You can strip those things down to a chassis in hours without needing a fancy workshop. And contrary

Pay mechanic for an hour or two, drive them to the prospective purchase and get him/her to look it over. Problem avoided. Why would anyone not think to do that when spending a few thousand?!

I had a tractor rear up and crash through some caution tape right in front of me at a tractor pulling event in England when I was about 8. I moved, it landed where I had been sat. Tape was tied up and the event continued as before. I credit that with my interest in grass roots Motorsport, I thought it was the best

I’ve got one with a strange parallel to the conductors baton.. In the back of my Land Rover Defender, tucked away behind the ply lining, was a fox’s tail. I was somewhat suprisedsuprised and impressed by the effect of rigor mortis, as the tail was totally stiff and near perfectly straight like some sort of grim

Right, having been trained to drive equipment like this in the UK, I’d be fully expecting a punch in the face from someone if I drove one onto what is effectively a live race track. Farmers have this funny attitude that the rules don’t apply to them when they “need” to get something done. He was almost certainly