
It’s not helping. You’re *merely* a pitiful, deluded ass. Bye.

Why would you pick a fight with someone who just lost a friend in a fire. Why did you mock me to begin with? What do you get out of this? What is wrong with you! Continuing to deride me or this situation is sickening. You are a sick shit.

Yeah since they’re not really choosing, we should definitely choose for them. The paternalistic irony is too much. *this is not nor has ever been how freedom for an oppressed people has been achieved.*

Telling women what they can and cannot wear is shaming. Forcing women to take off a symbol of patriarchy is doubly shaming and abusive. There are better more sustainable and less destructive ways to unseat patriarchy (I’d argue this could only reinforce religious zealotry and patriarchy).

“...whether those women realize it.” Ah, so now we must also tell women how to feel about their oppression, because they can’t come to their own conclusions through lived experience. Nothing has been gained through patronizing (often white) savior complexes, esp when historically they’re hard to distinguish from

Oh sure, let’s defeat the patriarchy by paternalistically telling women what to wear. Not a vicious circle at all.

Funny, I knew that pitiful stab at defensive self deprecation would be your first response.

They’re calling it a rave but it’s just a warehouse party and they happen almost every weekend. It happened to be set to electronic music and so had rave y vibes, but the space itself wasn’t particularly rave-y.

Or people who live here clicked on news articles from despair and panic and scrolled down to comments because that’s what we do, out of impulse or habit or abject loneliness of grief or fear or a sense of things feeling jarred and misplaced. Being sarcastic and snarky to a person dealing with this is so godawful.

I’m so sorry. This is such shit. There is a vigil at Lake Merritt pergola tomorrow at 8. Hugs to you.

I had a friend die as well. I’m sure we’re in the same or similar communities. I’m sorry for your loss. There’s a vigil at lake Merritt tomorrow (Monday) at 8. Hugs to you.

What? My friend died this weekend. I live in Oakland and am a musician. The other many people who died were friends of friends. Why are you being so awful? Why would you say something like that?

Probably? Dude. Imagine losing your friends in a fucking fire and others missing and your whole community in panic and grief. Just fucking sit with that. Fuck.

As someone who just probably lost someone in my community to this fire and possibly more, FUCK all you guys. My mom called this morning hysterical thinking I was dead. It’s awful here right now. Fuck you and your pos humor.