
That’s the most Mexican machine I’ve ever seen.

You have my support 100%, especially given that she’s tiny.

I saw a PBS special where a dirt-poor 13-year-old girl had been gang raped and couldn’t get an abortion from the Olympic gymnastics the laws make you go through. Her nearest option was NM and she was in TN (I think, round about), with no means at all. The medical staff left off giving the impression she was probably

I have a ridiculously stupid question. I have never understood why you can’t go to your gynecologist, or urgent care facility, or even just a hospital to have an abortion.
A few years ago I was pregnant and was faced with a potentially unviable fetus. When I told my gyno that if the tests showed it was, in fact,

You do know that Germany is a parliamentary republic and has been for years?

Many of them seem to be begging someone to try to rob them so they can gun the would be burglar down. Basically murderers trying to organize circumstances.

then you’re a shitlord. people have the right to make choices about how they’ll raise their kids. my is not around unsecured guns because that’s not a risk I want to take. you make your choices and i’ll make mine, and if you want me to respect yours then you need to respect mine.

She apparently thought it was funny. My step son though it was funny, too, until he saw the blinding rage I was in and then he was like “oh. Oh, this isn’t as funny. Well, maybe it was fake!”

WHO ARE ALL OF YOU TERRIFYING PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIE ABOUT HAVING GUNS IN THEIR HOUSE TO PEOPLE WHO ARE WORRIED ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN PLAYING THERE??? This is seriously the most fucking insane thing I have ever heard. What is WRONG with you??? Why is your love for guns more important than allowing those who dislike guns

You are a weird fucking person if you lie to someone about keeping guns in your house.

I’m so sorry. Your poor neighbor. You are right. It very probably was spur of the moment because he didn’t provide for the dog. :( It’s so terribly sad. The poor man. Poor all of you.

Nope. I have a toddler, before she plays at a new playmate’s house we ask about pools, balconies, trampolines, pets, and guns. Is it sometimes awkward? Yep. But it’s my job as her parent to look out for her well being even if it means the occasional uncomfortable conversation. I’d answer all of those same questions

The availability of guns increases the ease of committing suicide. The idea is to increase the barrier of entry as the case may be, so that there is more time for intervention. Again, intentional or unintentional use of the gun to kill oneself or one’s family is not the intended usage of the weapon — self-defense is.

See, when you entrust your kids to someone’s home, it becomes your business.

Not necessarily. Some time back, NPR ran a report showing how a great many suicides are sudden, impulsive acts, and that the presence of guns increases the speed and lethality of the attempt. Had the people who committed those acts survived and lived long enough to see temporary madness for what it was, some would not

Best research we have to date indicates that suicide is usually an impulsive act. This is why we have suicide hotlines... if you can get a person to hold on until the impulse passes, they won’t commit suicide. Having a gun handy enables the impulse.

As someone who has struggled with suicidal depression, I can say A) that I know if I had access to a gun, I would be dead, B) my life matters and I’m glad I’m alive C) if I had a gun for protection and used it to commit suicide, it is a death that wouldn’t have happened otherwise, and would still be tragic. I’m glad

There were test like that in the past. They were mainly used to keep Black people from owning guns to protect their families from the KKK and such. They are used to be able to only have those who the cops favor as gun owners. This middle aged White woman would have most likely be granted a license still in a situation

So, is this information incorrect?

In Germany gun permits are only valid for 3 years and people applying for one have to go through a test to evaluate their character/sanity and their need for a gun. A person must be at higher risk than the general population and a gun has to be a reasonable tool for minimizing that risk* to be deemed as in need of a