
What really gets me is all of the people who woke up the day after that vote after actively voting “leave” and went “wait what we didn’t actually want this" WHO DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO PICK UP THE SLACK OF YOUR STUPID PROTEST VOTE

It’s terrifying, but cooler heads must prevail. I keep wavering back and forth between telling myself the media have an interest in pretending this is closer than it is, and the sobering thought that the Brits told themselves all sorts of comforting lies like that too.

I deeply fear that in the history books, Brexit will be the Sudetenland to America’s Poland...

If there is one thing #brexit made clear to me its that he is absolutely possible and actually more than likely, the worst part is there is no clear way to stop him.

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

Not trying to be crass or ignorant right now, but what is the wait time on cocaine use and breastfeeding?

That is the weirdest brag I’ve ever heard. Has she never had sex when she/her partner is/are tired? How does she know she doesn’t like it if she won’t try it? When she’s by herself, does she insist on masturbating on all fours or something?

I’m pretty sure Madonna is making a joke. Old people make jokes, too.

I thought of this:

She’s not allowed to sit on any other throne than her own, not even for a fictional kingdom. How boring.

Madonna, the White House is old and dignified. Yuck, phooey, poo!

Off-brand vaginal douche.

Not sure why I find Jemima so annoying, but I do. Does she even have a career outside of “Girls?” She once tweeted something stupid about never having had sex missionary position, which is apparently supposed to mean that she's soooo much more wild and not-vanilla like the rest of us bores. But that actually just

For the record *I* heard the sarcasm in this comment and enjoyed it.

She definitely chose her ass...

Madonna, much like squirrels in winter, is apparently storing silicone in her cheeks in preparation for the fall.

Serious question: does Hugh Jackman ever work out? I have never seen a picture of him working out before.

I have no problem with age, I’m old myself, it just looks like she went crazy with the fillers. And that’s just not a good look.

Madge really owning the Monty Python “upper Class Twit of the Year” look in the top pic.

I really can’t with James, err uh, Jamie King. I hate when girls try so hard to be smart-hot or nerd-hot or the very worst, cool-with-the-dudes hot (a la Jennie McCarthy circa the nineties.