White Boxy Powah

@A strolling player: I was about to say... Yeah the Vette is definitely the fastest car I've ever driven. It's also the slowest I've ever driven a car because Papa wouldn't let me go over 15mph in my stickshift lesson. The fastest I've ever gone in a car is, uhhh, 70 because I never exceed the speed limit nor try to

@Ash78, granny shifting: It took me at least two minutes to figure out what this was really about. I thought it was to use my GPS-phone to keep track of lap times or something.

@patman: Has to be one of my favorites. Nice!

@skierpage: And don't forget that the Volt costs less than half of what the Tesla costs.

@Yolky: It's an electrifying experience.

@Darnell's Auto Wrecking: I was thinking that kid with the Volvo who doesn't know nearly enough about cars. He'd be good.

When watching the video, I was thinking to comment, "How the hell did could those tires possibly survive all that?!" but apparently, well, they didn't.

So Germans don't sound angry because German is an angry-sounding language, they sound angry because their language makes them angry people. Or something. Right?

@Sensei Hikaru: The war veterans who have been through war never want it, and the Democrats who say they'll end wars make it bigger. Think Eisenhower and JFK.

@flaagan: There are at least 13 songs about Volvos. Have you never heard the album "I Am Rolling"? It's possibly the best thing ever.

@clank-o-tron: I say start with a Toyota Previa instead. It's already mid-engined and even available with a supercharger.

@Benguin: Ahahaha. I use it to freak some friends out when they're using my computer, but I never thought to use it at the Apple Store.

@Cake Tank!: Yeah, not only is the idea way original, but the textures look way too similar to be coincidental.

@talkingstove: And I thought I had a special talent. My sentiments exactly.

@Aaron Luptak: Why is that the funniest thing I've seen all day?

The batshit-insane Raptor makes up for the Explorer's lack of offroad abilities at least tenfold. And if this is what the soccer moms want, well then this is the Explorer they get!