Li'l Sebastian's Mini-Horse Erection

I disagree. So many of his negative talking points center on the different-ness of his counterpart. A mixed-raced, non-white woman from California? That’s like a wet dream for him and his followers. Trump wants that. Also, because if he wins, he can further erode our rights under the pretense of, “my win is proof you

You had me until Buttigieg. He has zero electability.

You talk of the Jewish bible. Maybe you should read the Christian bible before you make such absurd statements.

Go fuck yourself, trump.

See: Bowfinger. Perfect example of Martin’s misogyny. 

You know Steve Martin is a POS, right? The heather graham role in Bowfinger was a not-at-all-thinly-veiled attack on Anne Heche for having the audacity of being bisexual and dumping him for Ellen.

It’s pretty standard at public colleges and universities, not private ones. I’m not sure if all have them, but I suspect most if not all do.

I know this case. The university, the police, everyone failed her and her family. I hope the taxpayers of Utah pay through the nose for her death.

That sounds about right. 

Some posts are worth a double posting, and Donna live tweeting the dumbass convo is one. :)

I need this to happen. Neeeeed. 

Same thing happened to me. As soon as he came across as a Thoughtful Actor, all I could do was swoon.

I feel like he’s someone who would be all three guys in a round of fuck, marry, kill. Yes, please. 

Can we get more in-depth investigations regarding Jakey in the future? This was a nice salve to make me forget SCOTUS just destroyed our republic. 

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but fuck her respect. They’re not giving it to the rest of us, so stop giving it to them. We need to get dirty. It’s the only way we can wrestle back our republic. 

Let me get this straight: a constitutional issue is not a federal matter? SCOTUS majority, go fuck yourself.


Ouch! But so spot on.

Learn what a parasite it before talking. Because you’re just as much of one as any fetus! Learn what the world viability means before you’re aborted for being a parasite to this world.

How do Russian bots like you (that can’t even spell simple words like “by”) get ungreyed? Go fuckski yourself back to Moscow.