
This hot take is the wrong take.

My future daily will be an electric or hybrid minivan but that’s probably still 5-6 years out at least. If they produce an hybrid version of this I would be pretty tempted. 

I checked yesterday and in Canada, it sums up at about 4.5K to 7K once imported. So not really a bargain either.

Last summer, I have seen a lot of high end road bike with crazy loud freehub. I think it’s a trend right now. 

I test drove one, it was shit. Good riddance. 

I never understood this. The fuel pick up doesn’t move if it’s full or empty. Then you have a strainer and a fuel filter to filter the crap out of that crap. 

I really like it. If I could ride year round, I would probably think about buying it. The fact that I can’t ride it from November/December to March/April makes it less than ideal.

Which is a mistake IMO. Most people doesn’t remember the concept. It would have been a better tribute to mimic the late 90's turbo wheel.

Kia already changed last week. New logo is not so bad. 

Thank god the 2,4 ecotec is out of there. It was okay in the cobalt but it is not a sporty engine. 

My hard reality of the past few year is I am not a JRPG fan. I tried, I like them for like 2-3 hours then I get utterly bored. I just hate turn-based combat and the grinding associated with it. I have been fooling myself in the past 5 years that I still haven’t found to one I like. I beaten Paper Mario TTYD but it

Yes, it is actually mandatory where I live (Quebec). This year I have gone for studded tire as the previous year I struggled with the icy alley and step grade where my apartment is.

I only played the demo because I was broke AF when this got out. buying day one on switch probably 

It’s a shame that I only ever played the demo. I was broke at the time this game came out and never bought the full game but I loved the demo so much.

I always thought FCA USA LLC was a weird name. After all, it stands for “Fiat Chrysler Automobiles United States of America Limited Liability Company.”

Or PS2 games. Matte black really dates the product IMO

Man, first gen Escape (and Tribute) looked great. It is unfortunate that it is a POS. 

Wut ? There is so much more fan that before. Look at the state of r/formula1

But the NP300 is the Navarra and the frontier is our old frontier in Mexico.

Right on comrade!