
Yes but it is also a slang term in Québec for a car.

Je vois ton point et j’ai fait une erreur dans ma correction, tu as raison. Par contre si tu parle d’une Deux Chevaux, c’est singulier. Si tu me dit j’ai conduit mes Deux Chevaux dans un lac, soit-tu as plusieurs Deux Chevaux ou tu as juste conduit littéralement deux chevaux. Est-ce clair ?

The more I think about it though the more I think that I am wrong. If I say “I drove my car to the school” I would translate to “J’ai conduit ma voiture jusqu’à l’école”. But in the end, it really depend on the sentence. In that case yes I would have translated that to “J’ai conduit ma 2CV dans un lac”. My point is,

Ok donc tu est normal Ahaha

“Je conduisais ma voiture” is I drove my car where “J’ai conduit ma voiture” is more like “I have driven my car”. The former is more like “I was doing this at that time” and the latter is more like “I did this”. It might not be 100% accurate because verb tense in English are not exactly like in French.

Effectivement. Ca fait drole de repondre en francais sur Jalopnik.

J’imagine que t’est montréalais ??

“Je conduisais mes Deux Chevaux dans un lac,” which means “I drove my 2CV into a lake.”

The next gen should be called 928 Panamera

A two door Macan would be tits

No decimal allowed.

Yeah I totally get it. And automatics are great nowadays. I love driving manual too and I live in a place where there isn’t a huge lot of traffic. I’ve tried a Ram with a 8 speed the other day and it was great.

I do get your point, but don’t you think it is a bit ironic given your username ??

Look like dirt bike tires

The ram look the best in my opinion but the Toyota might be the best truck of the lot.

“Again” is the key word here.

Because Wrenching > Driving

Monster trucks are the WWE of motorsport, not NASCAR.

You mean a thousand Euro ? Or maybe Rubles would be more practical ? What about uranium ? I guest you can get pretty far with some uranium in Russia.

Exactly !! I can’t hide you anything