Manwich sounds reasonable, and you sound like an unhinged wierdo.
Manwich sounds reasonable, and you sound like an unhinged wierdo.
Yikes, terrible article! Extreme projection.. extreme Black feminism.. extreme “believe all women!”
The mountain of evidence demonstrated that Heard is a narcissistic, sociopathic, serial abuser who exploited her position of privilege and her clearly-troubled (ex)spouse for personal gain.
Tours this scale are basically small corporations that keep dozens of people employed, if not more. Yes, it absolutely does take guts to rock that boat when you know it’s putting people’s livelihoods on the line, especially a crew that you care about.
Uh......who cares that he didn’t know that? Like, really? Is someone actually suffering because of this? I don’t carthat he didnt know, it doesn’t effect my everyday existence. I assume I'll know if it does......
Fun Fact: It’s actually possible to calculate Harlow’s approximate height from the basketball photo.
I wish Democrats would weaponize something. :(
No one condoned violence and did you even read the article? Jaleel White threatened to physically attack a woman over an disagreement because he couldn’t get his way. Jo Marie Peyton has a right to defend herself if someone threatens to fight her. Where is all this energy in condemning Jaleel White for his…
Oh crap! You know it’s coming summer when our loons start acting a damn fool. We got this dude and another one in Cali. What the hell?
Candyman looking motherfucker. Did the detectives try saying his name three times to make him appear?
“I may be in the minority, but personally I think Coachella got an upgrade with The Weeknd”
Totally agree. The Weeknd is a complete upgrade from Kanye. Good for him and his team for making sure they get paid the same as dumb ass Kanye.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Kanye is talented to a point but he’s also manipulative as all get out and got grifter urges. I also -swear- that ‘Going to get help’ is something he’s sworn to do before and nothing ever came of it.
That seems like cover your ass bullshit. A security guard on each side of him would have ensured Smith’s compliance with the Academy’s wishes.
Damnit! We don’t need “historic votes”, we need to get the job done! Don’t screw this up over theatrics!!!
Give it time; we haven’t heard from Manchin yet, and Sinema’s on this “I’m not sure” BS...they’re like the Dynamic Duo of assholery.
To me, this isn’t about Will Smith any more. Right now I’m more pissed at those who sort to give him a pass; the black folks who came up with the bullcrap that it was about “protecting Black women”, or that it wasn’t just black or white blah blah blah blah....Shameful.
He got in one little fight, and Jada got scared. She said “You can’t slap Chris Rock just ‘cuz I got no hair.”
The reason so many people are defending Will Smith, black people in particular, is cause we’ve been led to believe this behaviour is acceptable.