
They do, it’s a college town, he’s easily the most well known and popular person in ann arbor

Cool post but lose the cringy reddit tier atheism

“Drumpf” is that you Jimmy Fallon? Stop telling the same lazy jokes!

2013 isn’t decades ago

Especially since all their games (arguably not Sekiro) already have easy modes built into them

Almost as if you’re benefiting from hundreds of years of oppression...

The comments are full of exactly that

Time bandits is a cult film, not widely known or referenced

I’m sure you know much more than the professionals

Wrong lol

Says the person with no interest or knowledge of what professional wrestling is...

I’m a cis bi man btw, and you’re a bigoted idiot

Trans people are normal, bigoted freaks like you aren’t

No one even said that you racist dip

Spider man is infinitely more popular with all audiences, including black audiences, than the spelling bee movie

Lena Dumham admitted to molesting her younger sibling in case anyone forgot

Obvious sarcasm is obvious

Cops kill far far far far far far far far far more people than “crimimals”, stop licking fascist boots.

George Lucas infused the eastern philosophy into star wars because he read it in joseph campbell’s hero with a thousand faces. That’s where 90% of his ideas came from.

“Visionary” it’s feige’s vision, and it’s meh at best