
Cause you’re an idiot

elves are immortal

That also makes no sense, elves are immortal

Wtf you clearly didn’t watch it. Jfc.

Yes, yes they would. You are clearly only familiar with zombie avclub

This is a pathetic cashgrab, the second christopher tolkien died his kids sold off their family’s legacy and it’s genuinely tragic.

Okay contrarian doofus

You are disgusting transphobic scum

Musk will be long dead before that’s even possible

Thot and hoe bag aren’t very disgusting terms at all, lots of my female friemds call themselves those things even. But yeah he’s scum.

Homophobic, try to stop thinking this way, and definitely stop saying it out loud

Oh shut up, she discusses this as does the article. It’s a hell of a lot more helpful than your idiotic comments on articles you don’t bother reading.

Why call it a hit? It clearly wasn’t/isn’t a hit

That is cheap af for l.a., try $14 a can $20 for a tallboy

No it’s a comment section, I hope posting that old played out meme gave you some seratonin though

Why do you insists on slavishly worshipping beyonce and yet constantly denegrating her husband? If you like and respect her so much maybe you should respect her obvious love for him, then you wouldn’t be so cringe

No one is bitching about that, settle down

It’s “centrist” not “centerist*

You are claiming that other people are saying “But this thing that is not for me exists, that’s bad”, and yet no one, in the comments or in the article itself, said or implied this. Work on your reading comprehension before commenting.

It did not “give people jobs”, they already worked there, stop giving excuses to companies, especially ones famous for mistreating their employees.