
I recently tried Sweet Heat (or something to that effect) Skittles and after that experience, I am inclined to fully agree with that GQ article.

This column would have a much different answer if it was “The Salty Librarian” — namely, hell no, do not read a book while you are eating, if you have any love of books at all.

My best “Maybe my mom is cooler than I thought” moment was when I got to tell my kids that I used to be friends with one of the animators on Adventure Time.

I saw a pic of Heughan and Hasan Minaj on Minaj’s instagram and was instantly “Yup, watching this,”— a sentiment that only strengthened after watching the trailer.

Yes, and Hasan Minaj as well.

I had a woman at my old building tell me off once because I had the audacity to sit and strum my guitar from 10 feet away while my kids were playing on the jungle gym. Apparently this was ENTIRELY TOO DISTRACTING and the occasional glance down at the strings made me a terrible neglient parent.

I think that’s kind of what they were going for. Treat it like it’s not a big deal. You can still do that while showing empathy. My go-to was usually something along the lines of “Oh boy, that must have sucked.”

Heh.. This use to be my rule for “Is it okay to interrupt mommy when she’s on the phone.” If the answer to any of these was yes, then it was okay to interrupt.

Younger if you have a family history. I think my surgeon told me that people who have had a parent with colon cancer should start getting screened 10 years younger than the age that their parent’s were diagnosed, so for example, I was diagnosed at 33, so my kids should have their first around 23, and then every four

As I mentioned upthread, I’ll demur a grand total of once (sometimes I’ll jump straight to “Sure, thanks!” if I honestly don’t think I can afford to pay my own way), and if they insist after that, I’ll take them up on the offer. Gives them a last chance for an out if there’s a chance they’re just trying to be polite.

I think it’s a good idea to abide by these rules:

Very tacky. If you’re not discounting the whole table, then don’t discount at all.

It gets even better if you sing it as a girl without changing any of the pronouns in the lyrics.

If that’s the case, then it should follow that Amy will also eventually start getting loonier as well.

“European Style” is great just for the montage of Ian and Shinky competing to see who can get fired from their respective jobs first.

I am a long-time Kids in the Hall fan, and I had SUCH a hard time getting past his vocalization for Glen.. but now that i have, I am weirded out when I hear him speak in Normal-Mark-Voice.

I interpreted the lasagne scene as they had eaten them.. but maybe I was just hungry.

I loved him on Conviction. I wanted to give him a hug numerous times.

I like Charlize Theron, and I adore Mackenzie Davis, so this will be on my watch list.

Starred because this is a comment well worth reading.