
That’s what infurated me... It’s a fucking joke to him. “Hurr-durr.. You guys get a little wet? Hurr durr.. Here, have some paper towels, clean that mess up! nyuk nyuk.”

The budget line is terrible. That’s the kind of tone my KIDS gets when they’ve done/not done something and as a result have greatly inconvenienced me, and I want her to know that while I am being EXTREMELY patient, I’m definitely not happy, and my patience has a limit.

Yep. I’ve heard more than enough people who have proclaimed that we need a leader like Trump. I mean, Trudeau is no treat, but no.. no we don’t. I’ll be putting in my vote for Jagmeet Singh next federal election

doing whatever we can to help them

He was great in Conviction.

I figured I’d err on the side of being considerate.


I think with some late bloomers there’s also a tendency of “Now I can treat people the way they treated me!” whereas others go the opposite direction because they KNOW what it’s to be treated poorly because people perceive you as unattractive so they actually try to be nicer to people.

That show was an absolute gem.

Yeah, Archie Bunker was not meant to be an aspirational figure, by any means.

That just blew my mind. I had no idea. Then I ran downstairs and told the boyfriend and he gave me the biggest ‘Well, yeah.’ look. Grr.

He reminds me of Dr. Leekie on Orphan Black. I don’t know if that’s why Rick Scott creeps me out, or if Dr. Leekie creeps me out because he reminds me of Rick Scott.

The exchange he had which crossed legal boundaries was an anomaly.

You beat me to it.

haha. Dad rock.

Most of this is kind of horrifying, but oh my do I want the purple pants in that last picture. I would wear the shit out of those. Any occasion.

It’s a jam, honestly. A lot of her early stuff shows a lot of promise. The problem was, Avril writing songs at 17 was great, but now she’s in her 30s, still writing songs like she’s still a 17-year-old... a less mature, more obnoxious 17-year-old.

Shirley Manson is still a fucking icon.

My daughter, who is currently in high school, has a friend who (used to? I haven’t seen him in a while) STRIVE to emulate Kurt Cobain, even though Nirvana pre-dates their birth by about 8 years.

That’s pretty much my approach as well. Because of the commitment thing, but also because sometimes they just had a crappy day, and need to go back the next week to get back in the groove.