
Does anyone know if Robert and Dean DeLeo had any beefs or were they too busy corralling Scott Weiland?

I maintain that Kathy Griffin is nothing but a poor man’s Vicki Lewis.

It’s not just the crime, it’s the nature of the crime. If she had, oh I don’t know, murdered that shitbag husband of hers, I could maybe sympathize.

She was an adult so she was tried as an adult.

Yeah, how does “Formerly known as School-Girl Killer” NOT set off some red flags on a background check? If that was my kids school I’d be raising bloody hell.

There are plenty of Canadians who would be less than happy next to Trudeau.

hmm.. you might need to read up on some Canadian history (no snark, most CANADIANS aren’t even taught about this) and the residential school system. Basically, native kids were taken forcefully from their home and sent to boarding schools where they were often abused, molested, and in general, had the ‘indian beat out

No reason for him to be particularly bothered by it. *shrug*

Pretty sure I wasn’t judging. Hair Loss. It’s a Thing That Happens. *shrug*

I’m a horrible person who has a special place reserved in hell for me, complete with a velvet rope and a disco ball, because I was distracted by the picture as I read the headline and thought it said “Prince William Opens Up About the Loss of His Hair.”

Seriously tho. Every time someone gushes about how awesome and progressive Trudeau is, I want to vomit. He’s going back on pretty much every campaign promise... promises to look into MMIW? Radio Silence. Climate change? No, we’re totes into oil pipelines now. Legalizing marijuana? Sure, but we’re going to keep

Although this made me snarf my coffee this morning.

Unfortunately, people are referring to the new Conservative leader as “Harper, but with dimples.” So.. I guess same policies, less robot-like facade?

You’re the first one to mention her in this thread.

He’s an indoor cat now. After I bought my house I was able to train him not to try and get out, because after we moved, he no longer recognized what was beyond the front door as being “Outside”.

Stuff like that makes me want to punch people. My cat used to be an outdoors cat until I overheard a neighbor muttering about cat poop in her garden and vague threats of putting out anti-freeze.

See, chalk I can get behind. Washes away, nobody is the wiser.

I know. People are disgusting.

How difficult is it for people to.. I dunno... NOT SPRAYPAINT NATURE???

I used to think Montenegro was an island in the Caribbean, but I was a teenager and also not the president of the friggin’ US.