
Kelly Bishop is a treasure and we do not deserve her.

I love "I Love Films", and I love "I Love I Love I Love Films", but I can't stand "I Love I Love Films". I think it's the hosts.

I approve of this article.

Season three. Lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer! Jon Hamm! Dave Rygalski! The Dance-Off! Jess/Rory finally happening! Paris going off the deep end after not getting into Harvard! And that graduation speech at Chilton where Rory thanks her mom, it always always makes me teary-eyed.

"Adam Quardero" was a solid one, I really enjoyed the guests

Last year's Christmas ep was wonderful, especially John Lennon

Loved Dean Domino! I only ended up looting 1 or 2 bars when I finished my playthrough, but I came out of that DLC with roughly 75 stimpacks and didn't need to find anymore for the rest of the game, so that was pretty nice.

Oh man, I simultaneously dislike and feel horrible for Josh. And Rita…. good riddance.

Jess McKenna is 2016's Earwolf rookie of the year for me. Her turn on HH last week was silly and hilarious, "thank you Jess!" and "can I get a ding ding" killed me every time. Also it was my birthday, but getting a new HH episode did not put out the #dumpsterfire that was last Tuesday.

That's a very touching story, thanks for sharing.

It caught me off guard lol
"FUCK!!! FUCK!!!!!!"

That Aasif Mandvi ep is still hilarious

Did you see Jessica Jones

(knife picture)

sorry i can't be your friends with you anymore
dear brock
dear white people

Finally bought Shadow of Mordor GOTY, so much fun. My PC is trash so there's a lot of lag and the graphics are terrible, but I'm having a blast messing up Orcs and hunting down my nemeses in a murderous rage.

Brett's Beatles shirt ended up on Mt. Rapmore though!!!

Claudia is just great.

Thanks again for this section! Going to listen to TAL now.

Pally was hilarious