
Going Clear is good in terms of interesting content (so, so much more stuff than they could cram into the movie - although it was fascinating to see all the people I’d read about). Only down side is that Lawrence Wright can’t organize a book for shit. I was glad I could read it on my phone on the bus, because

Where did she get this lipstick? My handbag in 1998?

Are we in agreement that he’s got the best wig game?


Important: does anyone have a picture of his Grindr profile?

Assorted lubricants?

I can totally see that NOW, but as a 5 year old in the early 70’s with few role models, life is pretty weird. I’m sorry for the illness that took your husband. Something like that bonds couples together in great ugliness at the end. As hard as it is to say goodbye, it is strange to see a spouse’s death as freedom, but

I grew up around a lot of really old people. Some of them had been married forever. Almost every woman I had known was a stay at home mom, a nurse, or teacher. But all of them were married. Not all of them were happy. Divorce was still a little scandalous. And once these ladies’ husbands died either through heart

Fuck dude. I’m *thisclose* to having the break-up talk with my boyfriend of 11 years (yes, 11!), and I’m already stressed out.

It wasn’t soon to be sudden death on the weather front. The bulletin was to tell viewers that the bad weather had passed and NOTHING WAS HAPPENING.

In the bottle of Tabasco sauce, where they belong.

No shame. The Mister and I still enjoy not only KoQ, but the occasional Everybody Loves Raymond binge. But you know what I now find unwatchable? I Love Lucy; what everyone treasures so are the maybe fifteen minutes total from the whole run that aren’t awkward, shrill, and charmless. Not saying she deserves that

OMG my fave Friday post!!

I started living alone in 2008 after a terrible craigslist roommate experience (all summer, she sat in her underwear on our living room couch (my couch), including when I had guests, such as my boyfriend at the time, over to hang out). It is the best thing that has probably ever happened to me. Living alone has

my dog doesn't enjoy my marathon FIFA sessions as much as I do.

She realized she was on camera. She just didn’t have the self control to hold back the vitriol once she got going. Can you imagine how she treats the people in her life?

Waiting for the update that she’s just been hired at Fox News

not sure how this is edited, (did she talk shit then realize she’s on camera? or realize she’s on camera and continue to talk shit?) but if it’s the latter, she’s dumb, if only for the fact that she knows she’s on a camera and continues to be an asshole.

this article is lacking some pix

Solo moviegoing is one of life’s greatest pleasures. FACT.