
Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.

I hope these people are endlessly harassed. Truly. She did not love her child.

I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.

I am super proud that anyone would refer to SEPTA as clean... especially given that this particular car has been doused with blood, lady juices, baby juices, and feces.

And after he was forcibly outed. Don't forget that. I doubt he would have come forward about it if his wife didn't force him.

In fairness: the investigation was underway when I started writing the story, and all the victims and their families spoke warmly of Detective Collett, the officer assigned to their case. They were really unhappy with Norman High School administrators, though, who they believed didn't do enough to put a stop to the