
I remember refusing to shower in the open prison style shower in high school and getting a 0 each time. The gym teacher would stand at the door opening check off if you showered. I hated this woman and she tried to guilt my mom about my zeroes for not showering. My mom told her it’s not her(the teachers ) job to make

2nd worst at a wedding after the garter belt pull off/toss shit show

Out of the 3 kids I gave birth to, only 1 went the usual definition of classic pregnancy symptoms. First child wasnt known until I was 5 months along, with consistent periods, moodiness, no weight gain or body change. Even the picture of me on the day I gave birth, I look like i’m bloated and had a 9 pound 3 ounce

My semester is done today and I recreation read celebrity auto/biographies. Going clear is top on my list.

Wendy Williams ftw

I wish travolta would leave and bring $cientology to its knees. Life is better on the other side.

I keep a box of tampons in all three of my cars. Because I got tired of scrambling for my usual brand/style (Tampax/Twin mattress style)

I would rather burn a $100 bill than give any of them any of my money. And no i dont illegally download.(itunes, amazon and cheap cd’s, tyvm)

My husband passed away when i was 39 from ALS. Our marriage wasnt the best and wasnt the worst either. But I will not lie and say I could be happier. I AM happier today, not because he died but because I realized that I can and have survived without him. This sounds cold but the things I was told during my marriage

So i’m screwed because I was widowed at 39 and 5 years later still single? Marriage means I’ll live longer? (sorry i’m in horrible form today, tyvm)

Hmm sudden death or soon to be sudden death? Tough choice.

Between TJMaxx/Marshalls/Homegood, I could have had my car paid off in the last 2 years from what i have spent there. Seriously many thousands of dollars. I go twice a week at least to a new Marshalls and HomeGoods next door to each other. being a former employee maybe I should go back to work there for the discount.

Ok those fake/real ring set/last picture is the ugliest damn thing I have seen this week. And i have seen a lot of ugly.

King of Queens FTW. Since I am not a Walking Dead or GOT fan, my go to show to watch

She’s sorry she got caught being a damn twat. Fired is what she needs.

My husband died 5 years ago when i was 39 and the kids were young teens. 5 years later, NOW, and i cant wait to live alone. Me, myself and my dogs & cats. No one coming in at 3am and waking the dogs up, no one eating MY FOOD that I COOKED or complaining how cold the house is. I dont think i could live with another

Only hope the best for him. Living life after decades of being soul sucked by Kris.

Thats my face and attitude when i see a baby or toddler at the movies. What kid needs to be a rated R movie?

I see the standard uniform is flowers, lace and trying to look good in flowers and lace.....ala a bridesmaid in a dress she doesnt want to wear

When i have to explain ancient or antiquated past television history to my one kid(18), sometimes I say to her ‘do you really want to know?’ Most of the time, no. (examples Different Strokes, Good Times, Twin Peaks)