
Oh god, will Seth Rogen's bubble never burst? It's fat enough.

Well, it's fashionable to hate Will Smith now but he's an excellent light comedian.

This was a pretty strong return to form despite a very difficult creative and commercial brief.

Your 'mission'? Posting long pompous paragraphs on an internet forum is your 'mission'? Oh you poor little fatty.

But you don't take a shower. You're always here, masturbating.

Because we're hoping that it's going to be so bad it will actually be good again?

Same thing the rest of us are doing. Watching 'Community' with a blank expression and thinking 'Jesus, this is dull'.

Andre Braugher's 'husband'. He he. It's still funny.

Don't be pompous. Google what I told you. It'll only take ten seconds, you lazy twat.

"I'm mostly just an aficionado of reality. "

Has this actually been screened yet?

He he. You're absolutely right. But even to think such a thought is heresy amongst the doughy fartsacs who populate this site. Keep thinking different, brother!

Dan Harmon could listen to a massed choir singing his name over and over again forever, while he sits, trousers down, on a toilet shaped like Chevy Chase's head, and eats donuts.

"Good lord you're a fucking loser. And this is coming from someone commenting on several days old articles on the internet on new years eve."

You needn't have taken a whole paragraph to tell us you're a cun

Congratulations. This wins the award for Biggest Internet Bullshit 2014

"c. When were white gays oppressed on the level of Jim Crow?"

What a brave fighter for the races you are. ^^