
I had to look it up. It says she was born in the US but her mother converted to Sikhism and sent her to boarding school in India. So its inherited appropriation. 

Is that a raccoon suspended mid air attack in the second to last photos?  

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

This looks less like shade and more like “I’d rather be doing anything else as long as it wasn’t around all these people.” She looks tired, worn and sad, which losing a family member would easily explain. :(

I was going to say she looks less eyerolly and more sad and withdrawn, but whatever, Stassa. [sips tea]

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

I can’t believe how far I read before I realized that might not be verbatim.

A few weeks ago I went to DC and street parked. About 45 minutes later the barricades and police showed up — they were clearing the street for the presidential motorcade. It was really cool to see it go by — something like 27 vehicles — and they made sure the street was entirely and completely devoid of traffic.

Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.

I’d like to let anyone reading this know that there are AA meetings across every town and country at every time of day. You don’t have to pay any money to attend a meeting or even give anyone your real name. All it costs you is an hour (sometimes an hour and a half) of your time.

I was about to say, “I DO!” but then realized that I’m not under 30.