
"The show let Butters argue for himself and he was correct."

I mean this with no respect: blow a goat
I did what I did at the time because it was the most I could do to fight back given my circumstances at the time. I did what I did because I thought it was right not to show off how committed of an activist I am. I only mentioned it as an honest response to your inquiry so it

At that age I was sabotaging hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of military equipment. A great way to protest that if implemented by only 5% of the protesters and activists out there would render the American MIC completely incapable of sustaining their current illegal occupations and effectively ending the

"This uppity negro doesn't realize white people like me are here to save them! Why can't they see if people like me don't do something the most privileged children in this country will have to be reminded of their racist past on certain parts of their campus! Why do you negros hate white people?"
Edited for clarity

Renaming a hall isn't a protest, it's a circle jerk. Say the hall is renamed. What a great victory! So great a celebration will surely be an order. So they schedule a banquette and renaming ceremony. A lot of alumni donors will want to attend, some of them via private jets. We'll need food for everyone so we'll

A lot of words with no sustenance. What you think is of little relevance. If you don't want to take the time to google the statics I'm not the local friendly neighborhood negro who will take the time to do it for you. In fact you don't know shit about race issues and you'd serve everyone a whole lot better just

I find it more harmful than helpful. It becomes a way to not create real change. Look at the parents in Manhattan right now. It's great to vote liberal, look down on republicans, and correct people if they say black instead of African american. You get to show everyone how amazing, loving, and not racist you are,

Shifting the conversation of race relations from the people who are experiencing the worst ramifications onto a group of the most privileged members of society isn't harmful at all. Sorry, but having the children of the 1% co opt my suffering is negatively affecting the struggle by essentially providing a perfect

When rich white kids stop gentrifying neighborhoods right after they leave their liberal colleges than I'll start giving them the benefit of the doubt. When rich kids in NY start intervening when they see their darker peers being stopped and frisked, I will start to give them the benefit of the doubt. When these

POC here. People like you and the rich whiny white kids circle jerking over how progressive you are because you took an African studies class or go on a whites only seminar to learn about white guilt or w/e self serving crap are worse than people doing nothing or even the racist redneck who openly hates me. All you

It's all fine and dandy if you have the money to stay in the gentrified area and benefit from the redevelopment of public areas through new tax revenues. Poor people are forced out of their homes however as rent is raised and government assisted housing is torn down for condos. The new businesses also don't tend to

Yeah, so what's the point? Every moment could be the first of your existence filled with fake memories of your "life" and there's no way of knowing if your reality is real at all or if you are just a brain in a jar being fed electrical impulses causing you to experience what you think you perceive. We have no way of

That wouldn't really work since canon has been established with events carrying over into later episodes. The destruction of the pilot universe, Morty Jr, freezing time, other stuff I can't remember right now and don't care enough about to look up. Why would it be any more interesting to have each episode set in a

Why would there be a non-cartoonish romantic relationship in a cartoon? There's only one female main character in the show and she is too young, immature, and naive to have a real relationship so obviously that's not going to happen in the show. There's been no non-cartoonish romantic ventures for the male

Giffany was a parody of the types of characters you find in real dating sims, specifically a moe yandere… not that I play those type of games or anything… The way they portrayed Giffany in the episode made the whole thing feel really organic. The character may have been a sexist male fantasy, but that's exactly

The voices aren't the real problem. I think Aubrey Plaza is actually doing a pretty decent job though Rob Riggle's version of Golan totally sucks. The bigger problem is that Golan no longer speaks like Golan. In the previous season Golan was a a self centered, overcompensating, sarcastic jerk ass who happened to be

Why must everything I love be destroyed for mass consumption? Comic books, anime films, zombies, and now Golan! The ADHD shorts were amazing. It felt sorta like an adult version of Grim Adventures, but with Billy and Mandy merged into one androgynous character. It was the type of show that probably wouldn't ever