lillie, warrior queen

Wait, who are we talking about again?

Kylie. Child. Friendly advice: if a guy goes by a name that IS NOT AN ACTUAL NAME, he is probably not boyfriend material. You already made this mistake once, why are you doing it again?

You kind of deserve it because, Lebron. Fuck that guy.

As a Warriors fan, this comment fills my heart with joy!

This one turned glum quickly — a far cry from conscious uncoupling.

Seriously. The guy’s net worth is apparently $400 million

The number of Johnny Depp apologists out there is so depressing. I know he’s a lot of women’s Manic Pixie Dream Man Forever, but Jesus. I don’t care if it was alcohol/drug-related and he’s a real nice guy when sober, I don’t care if she “provoked” him, I don’t care if Amber Heard is or isn’t a gold digger, domestic

$50K sounds like...not very much for Johnny Depp? Anyway, this divorce saga is just sad.

BMX isn’t non-contact. Not by a long shot. There’s lots of contact, mostly with the ground or a wall. Or does it only count if it’s contact with other humans?

No, he’s also taking back the suggestion that it was fellow child actors he was friends with. He says his only experience with it is from “articles” he has read and “films” he has seen.

UGH. Pranks that are either physically or emotionally hurtful are NEVER FUNNY. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Well, if my curiosity hadn’t generally led me down such destructive paths...

Was it in bad taste? Yes. Do we need to shock people into waking up and realizing that this kind of rhetoric isn’t ok and leads to horrific action? Also yes.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

I couldn’t care less whether or not St. Louis loses. I do, however, mind reading these BS headlines. It’s not funny and it never was. It’s a waste of time. Consequently, it’s a waste of time for me to reply. I have a glimmer of hope that I am not in the minority and you will at least consider shutting up.

Oh rats

Here he is, presumably describing the ideal proportions of a lady- about this tall, with no teeth, and a flat head you can rest your beer on.

Is this him? Is he Peter Griffin?

It’s ALWAYS the overweight, unattractive men going on and on about what level of attractiveness is appropriate for women.

I know on one of the hardknocks (it was either KC or then ten year anniversary where they didn’t have a team due to lock out and showed a best of special because those are the only 2 I’ve watched) they definitely filmed a player signing in for his test, receiving a bottle of water so he COULD pee, waiting for the