lillie, warrior queen

Fuck you, Patrick! My Pads may suck, but they are not trash!

“Leave me alone.”

It’s time to turn off the internet. I just can't with this shit anymore today. (I really hate people. I guess it's nice for a reminder why. Thanks, Stassa?)

It's amazing what you can comprehend when you ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE.

That’s why it’s taken over 20 years for a director to criticize her, right? That shit doesn’t stay silent. If you’re a difficult female actor, your agent stops calling. (Ask Sean Young!) Keira has zero problems with her career, which is very telling. But, yeah, keep on hating other women—it really helps us gain

Everything about what you said is correct, but 43/44 isn't old.

It pisses me off when men say this to me. “You’re so pretty. Why don’t you smile more?” Thanks for seeing me as nothing more than a pretty face/piece of meat!

The finished product wasn’t particularly good. That film didn’t fail because of Keira. He might want to change that tune and thank her.

More like 20+ years! And two Oscar moms. Oh, misogyny....

Hey now, a mother visiting one day out of 30+ is OUT OF CONTROL! How dare she bring that entourage around!

Anybody who praises Adam Levine is without a doubt a supremely douchey dick. Anybody who bashes the always wonderful Keira Knightly is without a doubt a supremely douchey dick.

Are you fucking kidding me? Middle of the night. Fire. Side of road. You can see that shit from a distance. You need a shot of humanity. Jesus fucking Christ.

Yeah, it seems to me that it’s mostly men who have EMOTIONAL reactions to adversity in their lives. Oh, wait. Anger isn't an emotion. Where's my head?

I’ve reported or stopped a LOT of times, despite my own safety. Seeing and helping people (and dogs, because I stop for them too) needing aid is a MORAL OBLIGATION, IMO.

She was on fucking FIRE. You can't see FIRE?

Who gives a fuck? If someone needs aid, I'm helping them. Life is more important than the (very unlikely) lawsuit.

I’ve been out of the country during this entire series and asleep during every game. It’s been torture reading through scoring alerts on my phone, “watching” them go down 3-1. I didn’t know what I would do if I returned home to a Cleveland-OKC Finals, aka no more Warriors games. I need to see Steph and Klay light it

“I just find it baffling that people are so hesitant to believe Amber...”

“I agree in some cultures women are seen as inferior...”

Oh, men are victims more often (because they’re perpetrators more often), so we should forget the rampant and senseless violence against women because we have vaginas? Fuck. You.