
So do I. What happened to Madeleine and Ed? Did he find out she cheated? Did he stay with her?

The poor victims could very well BE muslims. One out of six Swedes is an immigrant today. I was watching TV all afternoon yesterday and every witness who was shocked and scared and had tried to help were immigrants.

Yes, I really hate how tragedies like this play right into the hands of the extreme right. We had Breivik kill a hundred in Norway, and some racist asshole walk into a school and shoot every brown person he saw two years ago here in Sweden, and no one thinks to blame every white person or every racist. But after this

Yes. Everytime something like this happens, I get a pit in my stomach because I know this will leed to more hate. If a white person commits a crime he is seen as a lone crazy person. But if a brown person does it then somehow every brown person is to blame. I fear for our next election in Sweden. Everyone already

sorry, wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. trouble wring in english maybe, given it’s not my first language :) yup, i’m swedish.

yes, we have accepted many refugees. and, yes, unfortunately there is a problem with racism. things aren’t always black and white, a perfect country or a hell hole .

I find it so scary that seemingly normal men can look at a rape, and think it’s consentual.

This is OT, but I love your nick.

That is dead sexy. For real.

This makes me so mad. You don’t have two kids, you have three.

So fucking dumb and uneducated they are making my blood pressure go through the roof. They know nothing and won’t stop mansplaining.

So you think that’s it better for irresponsible womenz to just have babies instead? That will be a lot easier for their little lady brains to take care of.

Do you really think if you stop women from getting over the counter medication, they will go see a doctor?

yes, using a wrong condom can kill you. heard of hiv?

you know what’s more dangerous? pregnancy.

you still won’t know if you get a presciption because they don’t check

and i thank you

No fucking way is she related to MJ. I know you’re going to get flamed, but look at her and look att him when he was young. I know it’s genetically possible, but it’s so unlikely it’s ridiculous.

I’m sorry if this seems rude, but I fucking hate Blake Lively. She’s the worst.

Britney Spears.