Lili VonShtupp

I'm imagining he signed up to review it when he heard John Larroquette was in it and has been holding a grudge against it since he realized that his hero/ object of his secret desire is not the star of the show.

This show reminds me of the movie "War, Inc." and its humor/viewpoint/sarcasm

Yes. I especially liked the fact that we knew the whos and whys of the crime(s) this season. The story was much more fleshed out, there were more suspects to consider, the entire conspiracy and motives were revealed. Last season we were left with weird clues of cults and pagan imagery and no idea who all were really

"The Brink’s insistence that the script valorize its three protagonists as heroes just because they’re the protagonists."
I'm not noticing this, except maybe in the Robbins character as he is literally trying to stop WW3. I'm still enjoying the show and it's clusterfucks upon clusterfucks.

Maybe the guy on the bed WAS her rapist, just 20-30 years later, that's why she was overly traumatized.

On rewatch I noticed that she looks at 2 men and a blonde lady and starts freaking out and says "shit" after seeing the second guy. She faces the Texan guy as they pass behind her, she gets more agitated and gets flashbacks. Later, when the Texan is taking her to another room, they pass by a room where (I think) the

Too bad we didn't have any dialogue together, schatzi. Or is it Jim?

Tribal region works for me. They're in the middle of nowhere. They could've said "somewhere in Pakistan" or "12 miles south of Bumfuck, Pakistan" and I wouldn't know or care either way. The point is that they're in the middle of fucking nowhere.

That actually made me think there's something up with her. I'm suspicious of her now after this episode for some reason. She seems so wooden and sullen, like it's an act of some sort. Maybe I'm wrong and she's just doing a lame job.

I was thinking that about the kids, too

I like how when you think you've got a handle on the situation, they throw a new wrench in it. Zpak and Jammer might've finally gotten away from the freaky deaky British couple but now they're recaptured by the local warlord's son. Robbins can't get back to India or try and follow Raja because of the President's

I think Ani notices the line on the map near all the circles- where the railway runs

I thought she was relieved that the guy was killed. Scared shitless to go up against a machine gun-wielding guy with only a knife.

Also, Ani's mom died when she was 12, apparently drowned while with Ani. Ani's dad knew Dr Pitlor at the time as well.
Dirty Vinci mayor and cops use the counterculture sex clubs to lure in high rollers and powerful people, then secretly film them. You then bribe them to declassify toxic land/ make the rail plan happen

Perhaps they want the State and Feds/ EPA to cover up the fact that they are toxic lands so when they build the rail through there they can profit off of it. By selling at a profit or building businesses on the land now close to rail.
Maybe Chisanni, Pitlor, and Morse have some sick cult/ sex peddler relationship. They

I know, right? Is that guy even really watching the show? Not "much impact or significance?" Robbins character just calmed everything down(stopped escalation between nuclear powers Pakistan and India) while his kidneys are bursting, Black's character bungles his way through appeasing Raja, while the pilots get gunned

Am I the only one to notice the Mayor's family portrait looks like it was done by the same artist that did the kinky paintings in Caspere's apartment?

No fucking way!

It could be a gay panic. He had some combat love and hates himself for it and now he's scared he liked it and isn't straight anymore.

Or Ray sees himself being his father- an angry drunk cop, which I'm guessing probably beat the shit out of people for the local bigwigs too. Old school, like under Gates.
But also an allusion of doom and death.
"The Rose" was also the title song of the Bette Midler movie about a junkie singer who died too soon, a la