Lilith Grace

If AMC produced this show instead of HBO, Euron would have had the Sand Snakes kneel in a line in front of him while he twirled his broadaxe and chanted, "Eenie meenie minie mo. …"

@avclub-99a541b1767705fc56501698fb871e5f:disqus, when the Grey Worm/Missandrei scene advanced to full nookie, my first thought was: "Uh-oh. Let's hope that pre-campaign sex isn't the Unsullied equivalent of showing your platoon buddies a wallet photo of your sweetheart in a WWII movie." (i.e. "Fellas, I sure can't

@avclub-b90391459007fbc002dee3084fef650b:disqus, thank you! During that scene, I found myself thinking, "Yara, why are you looking on expectantly? It's obvious that if Theon — whose fighting moves you know are quite rusty — advances to attack, Euron plans to either rush him and cut him down, slit your throat with the

@anonymityanemone:disqus, since Grey Worm left his "If This Unsullied Room Is a-Rockin, Don't Come a-Knockin'" dorm signage back in Mereen, they really had no choice. …

Wow. Thanks for the info, @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus. (Now there's a phrase one doesn't type every day.)

@Jgb979:disqus: +1! Given that previous seasons of the TV show have tried to plug the fantastical 'zombie virus' central theme into a realistic framework (i.e. "this is what happens to familiar U.S. society when a zombie plague strikes"), introducing a whackadoodle speech pattern and leaving it unexplained — but with

@disqus_4CGsdQCrLG:disqus: "[T]o think they would adopt such a bizarre speech pattern in a few years is just nonsense."

@avclub-a7b0f34d08549b4f4a822219766a8668:disqus: While I don't agree that the woman was bigger or stronger than Michonne — who has taken out grown men much larger than herself — you make really valid points here. I especially appreciate: "She's been through the same apocalypse Michonne has."

The Good (IMHO): I honestly didn't see the Scavengers' secret deal with The Saviors coming, which added a nice, twisty complication for me.

@Swisherhouse:disqus : TWD is starting to make me feel as if I'm in an abusive, co-dependent relationship. i.e. As a discerning viewer, I know that the show is mistreating me and taking me for granted — but I still hang on, coming back week after week and season after season for yet another narrative b*tch-slap. "Sure,

Even before Ezekiel pointed out that Morgan was wearing — in tribute — the armor of the much smaller Benjamin, I viewed the many areas of Morgan's body that said armor left vulnerable as a visual testament to the fact that Morgan DGAF about his own life at this point. He's been pushed into a zone in which he's willing

@kindofblue: "1. Michonne is a lethal, field-hardened post-apocalyptic warrior who
carries a katana and who over time has developed into a very capable
soldier. Is it believable she can't take down a day player in a

@Soylent Green: "Of course the Dumpster Folk drive garbage trucks. Of fucking course. They should have reflective vests and leave half their shit on everyone's lawn too so they can be 100% accurate." The first shot of this was the episode's laugh-out-loud moment for me.

Zack Handlen, catching up on the last two episodes before the finale this weekend, I, too, was surprised (in a bad way) at Tara's seeming nonchalance about what went down at Oceanside — especially given what we know of her character.

@Brad Metzger: This is a super-late post (I tabled this season's last 3 episodes for a finale-weekend-bingewatch), but I wanted to be sure to check in to upvote your hopes for Eugene (which I share) — and to give Zack Handlen due credit for twigging Eugene's treason as the genuine article a few weeks back. Responding

The third ad's gastro-monstrosity made of three tacos stuffed inside a giant flour tortilla shell and deep-fried was a crime against nature — and yet, I drooled a little when I saw it. (I'm not proud. …)

"I keep saying this, but I really wish someone would at least show us a
map of where all these places are supposed to be in relation to one
another. How is it possible no one found this massive stash of guns and
food before?"

@disqus_0HNjFWzbqJ:disqus: These are on-point every week, but especially so for tonight's episode. Thanks!

@disqus_YBflW7FP0Q:disqus: ^ This, 1000x.

@disqus_PojDUAfOXE:disqus: LOL! "If I give you your shell bracelet back, will you stifle the ruminations about betraying your friends at Oceanside and leave me to play on the rug in peace?"