Lil Funyuns

I have never made rice that doesn’t get burnt at the bottom of my sauce pan.

I regularly had wedding nightmares leading up to my big day. Weddings are way harder on the bride than anyone (maybe the MotB too?)

I got that far into the article, stopped reading and thought “Whelp, I won’t be watching that.”

Over at Gawker there’s a commenter with a The Love Boat realated user name that posts about five million comments in every Hillary Clinton article. Four million of these comments are just unflattering pictures of Clinton.

In the Onion story the quote from the cop would be “See what you made me do!”

Hearing him really go for that growl filled me with so much second hand embarrassment, I now have to leave work early.

Which writer? And what post?

Gervais just ended the show by saying ’From me and Mel Gibson ‘Shalom!’


I heart Brad but when I saw him tonight my first thought was, “time to lay off the face work hon.“

I sincerely hope she was high when she decided on that dress tube top.

I was quite pleased with the Affleck/Damon fidelity joke, though.

Because he knows he doesn’t actually deserve a lot of the access and roles he gets. His dad bought his way in.

But how often is the lifetime best friend of an absolute dirtbag anything but another absolute dirtbag? I blame us for not being more skeptical from the beginning.

She kept them separated too???

Les chats avec le pliage