Never Ending Backlog Podcast

Challenge of the day: read the above quote from Goldblum not with his voice in your head.  You can’t do it.

Your basic premise that newer is better when it comes to aircraft is overly simplistic at best. Between the 737 MAX fiasco and the news that Boeing falsified documentation on a 787 they sold to Air Canada ten months ago, I’d be much more comfortable on an aircraft that’s been in service for a decade than some of the

Thank you for taking the time to save some for everyone else.

The double take at a new WiiU game, is this 2019.

Thank you. I really didn’t want to watch a video about this.

Thank you

In case you cannot watch the video, I’ll save you the Google Search:

I listened to the podcast of this a little bit ago. It’s pretty interesting. The thing that always got me was the myth that “fish don’t feel pain”, an idea with no logical or scientific backing. We need to learn that the better you treat your meat, the better it treats you.

I suggest locking up any power tools and hammers you might have lying around unless you don't mind some impromptu renovations. 

Felt like a really good showing! I think my only disappointed was AOE 2 not having an xbox version. And Flight Sim is finally back!

I alternate MP and Blackout as well, and I really enjoy this COD overall. Alcatraz and Hot Pursuit are just way stronger BR modes than Ground War. I wasn’t a huge fan of Bounty Hunter, but i’d rather play that than have 49 teammates.

I remember this song from the credits of The Professional. It’s great.

<looks at lawn mower>

even if it only drives about 20 MPH

I don’t understand why this site needs to reflexively shit on Bruce Springsteen or at least treat him as a punchline. The guy is 70(!) years old and still does four hour shows. He still puts out very solid records after 49 years.

I love this premise. I hope it’s good and doesn’t just give us the “same old” that other games have.

Yeah, I was just having a little laugh at your expense. Totally agree with the premise that “name” actors for the human leads should have been secondary to getting the animation right.

I like to think that the director and producers went to the artists to tell them that they had to change the design, only for all of them to look at them with eyes of disdain that screamed “we fucking told you!”

Lol, the only reason I'm going to watch this shitfest is because of Jim Carrey.  They should just have named the movie Dr. Robotnik and scrapped Sonic.